Dharma Dating

a Golden Age solution to many of the issues presented for those who are seeking new relationships

Conscious Dating has just gone through a major evolution and the future is Golden!
A massive reprogramming of what we have been led to believe is ‘love’ is coming into a higher expression.

Would you like to be on the spaceship where being devoted to positive change for the greater good is actually the new sexy?….


Our initiative changes the face of dating in alignment with our evolution

· We are creating a community of Shambhala Warriors who are willing to go beyond carnal programming and to an embodied understanding of Dharma relating

· Re-wiring of the focus around material success and rising in love with those who have deep desire to offer something humanitarian, meaningful, spiritual to the world

· Non-binary safe spaces where people find true resonance through a series of intricately devised satsangs, ceremonies, practices and treatments

· A space to find self-love.  How many unsung heroes are out there who have been overshadowed by Instagram, hook up and hashtag culture?   Dharma Dating spaces offer an opportunity to come back to innocence and cultivation in relationships.

what is Dharma Dating (more will be coming very soon!)

It includes:

· Quantum, shamanic, psychotherapeutic and astrological fusion innovations to help you clear residues of wonky relations, neural pathway damage from porn etc, and to learn more about your karma, dharma and compatibility astrology using fine-tuned non-dual astrology from various systems

· Real time events with satsangs and High Teachings from Ancient Tantric Lineages and Temple Arts by Victoria Padma Khandro and the Dharma Stars Dharma Dating team

· A teacher training for Dharma Dating practitioners

· An online community of Shambhala warriors for Conscious Dating and Golden Age community building and aspirational weaving for Higher Timelines.   A conscious, spiritual dating and collaboration platform for committed Dharma Daters!

As the project develops we have a LOT more in store – but during the 2022 tour expect our sessions to:

· Offer you a new perspective to relating and the timelines we are entering

· Receive some support for clearing lower vibrational energies that are affecting your energy body, neural pathways and your ability to connect.   We already have space available with the Dharma Stars team for those who would like to get started.  Live from May 2022!

· Get special Zero point readings and sessions to help you find your Higher Iteration and pathway for new Upgraded relating!  Available from July 2022!

· Offer a meaningful satsang on Higher Vibrational Dating – Dharma, High Tantra, the Golden Age, Astrology, Relating , the ‘serpent’ codes, moving from co-dependency to resonance and much more

· Interactive speed dharma dating activation sessions

· Kundalini yoga and pranayama with teachings on kundalini energy – to warm up our energetic centres and help re-align your field

· A sensual movement journey with a featured plant medicine/flower essence, selected by our shamanic team for the specific date and event – This will be like ecstatic dance but at points will be more interactive

In 2022 as we launch the concept we will be offering some Dharma Dating sessions during our launch tour of the UK (May to October).    We’ll then be in Mexico for the Winter and you are invited to come to visit to go deep! We have an expert range of senior practitioners and visionaries already booked in to offer sessions and one to ones….


For a brief introduction to this much-needed platform and community for Resonant Relating and nurturing a fleet of Shambhala Warriors for the Golden Age you can hear more at:

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