date to be announced


Would you like to understand the laws of earth magic?

Victoria Padma Khandro has been mentoring practitioners for 5 years based on the extensive teachings she’s received from indigenous tribes and geomancers around the world. In this satsang will be shared some of the natural laws that are applied if we wish to honour indigenous science and decolonise our perspectives.

date to be announced
Energy Exchange: £13
Registration: via payment

Payment Details:
Paypal –
please write your name and ‘earthkeeping seminar’
You can request bank details as well if desired. 

Zoom link will be provided about an hour before the event.

It will be recorded and added to our growing Mystery School archive.

For more information please contact us at


Padma Khandro Victoria Sinclair is a Worldwide respected consciousness innovator having facilitated community trainings and events for over 20 years. She is a trauma specialist originally from Belfast, N.Ireland and works bridging realms and modalities in innovation and unique ways for each client or group’s needs.

Padma Khandro is well-known as a culture bridge-maker in her integral work with a broad range of recognised indigenous elders and teachers in S. America, Europe, Asia and Australia.

Her training background includes; Transpersonal Psychology, Epigenetics, Trauma work, Pranayama, Kundalini Yoga, Plant medicines, De-colonisation and Quantum, sound and ancestral practices. She is also a plant communicator and trainer of Sekhem Healing, Serpent Codes, Quantum Consciousness, Fundamental Energetics and Altered States of Consciousness.  Her fusion trauma informed approaches bridge shamanism, IFS, CRM, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, Quantum Transfiguration and Ancestral work.   She has been working as a practitioner in Energy Work and Mental Healthcare settings for over 20 years.  Recently she has become a practitioner of Kalachakra Highest Yoga Tantra, studying with Khentrul Rinpoche and the Dzokden organisation.

Padma Khandro is a unique practitioner who works with transmission states and deep clearing to enable clients to process karma and trauma that previously had not been able to surface.  She also has developed Non-Dual Astrology and Quantum Transfiguration to enable zero-pointing of ancestral, karmic and conditioned patterns and afflictions.

Victoria’s dedication to healing communities and helping to prepare for the Golden Age has initiated various ground-breaking programs including the Lotus Avatar Earthkeepers Program, Wounded Healer Holistic Series and the Lotus Consciousness Platform – a global hub for conscious education – as well facilitating ceremonial practice with plant teachers, tribal councils and communities and at many international event gatherings. She has also recently launched a new Mystery School – Dharma Sekhem Temple Arts Rejuvenation School –

For full biography please visit

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