25th September

Join us for our Online Day Retreat as part of our Rejuvenation Sanctuary in Wales, on a very special key ‘zero point’ date on the 25th of September!

On this day there is a magical intersection of points occurring when combining different astrological systems; the Vedic, Dreamspell and Traditional Mayan calendars!
To give you an overview and deeper insights in the significance of this date, Victoria Padma Khandro has created a presentation on why this time is so important:

We will be hosting different online sessions where we will be working with distance healing, parts mapping and Quantum Transfiguration to make the most of these transformative energies. You are welcome to come to all of them or just one specific session.

There will be a team of experienced and affiliated practitioners and students of each modality present in these sessions to really maximize the healing taking place.

In the Quantum Transfiguration session we will be working on Gene Key 25 – Path from Fear to Love – its Shadow is Constriction, the Gift is Acceptance and the Siddhi is Universal Love.

When you sign up for the Sekhem distance healing session, you are welcome to nominate one person to receive distance healing on that day as well!


11am to 1pm – Parts Mapping
2:30pm to 4:30 – Sekhem Discussion and Distance Healing
5pm to 6:30 – Quantum Transfiguration

Please note: you are invited to work with Cacao and/or Blue Lotus on this day, provided you are already working with it.

Besides the video on Non-Dual Astrology and the importance of this time, there will be another FREE video included for those that sign up, on what to expect of a Quantum Transfiguration session.

We’re excited to organise this Online Day Retreat at this time because we’re really seeing the importance of these key dates and codes in helping people to deprogram from archaic and step into non-dual systems.

We are looking forward to seeing you on the 25th!


The energy exchange for one session is 16£, and if you opt-in for all of them there is a sliding scale of £39 – £66.

If you are an existing trainee in either Quantum Transfiguration or Sekhem, you can request to come on as part of the team of healing providers and receive a place for free, if you are deemed as being ready to hold space in this capacity.
You can also choose to receive by coming to the extra sessions for 13£ each, or opt in to come to the day for a sliding scale exchange of 27£ – 44£.

If you are on the current intake of Serpents of Transformation you are also very welcome to join us for the day! The energy exchange for all three sessions for you will be 33£ – 44£

For registration get in touch with us via


Please understand that we are to receive the full value – transaction fees are your responsibility.
If paying with PayPal, please select ‘Sending to a Friend’ option

Payment Details:

– Payments to Bank – Natwest – Ethical Solutions – 46109854 – 010657 OR paypal
– Payment details ‘your name’ and ‘Online Retreat Day’ and ‘Your name’.

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