quantum transfiguration

As more and more is discovered about DNA, it is acknowledged that epigenetics shows that not only do we inherit things like trauma, but that we can clear and upgrade our DNA. There are ways we can identify, transmute and transfigure old wounds and patterns to actually become a solid foundation for our heightened productivity, awareness and connectedness. DNA too and karma can be ‘transfigured’ – transforming us to a higher aspect. Through a range of techniques from decades of enquiry, self-healing and Guidance Victoria Padma Khandro has been allowed to develop a way for us to utilise many tools and resonances to go into profound rewiring – importantly, finding our soul’s lessons along the way. Because this is a significant modality I feel its important to give you some deeper context so your soul and being can check if it is in resonance – so you are welcome to watch the video, or read on!

Recently, a growing group of us have been working with the Gene Keys system and quantum transfiguration with powerful outcomes – we have been guided to offer regular transfiguration sessions to work through the genetic blueprint as a part of clearing our own blockages but also to upgrade the field – please join us if you would like to experience a deep upgrade!

Dharma Stars Quantum Transfiguration and Consciousness Studies

These are number 2 and 3 of our current package of 4 sessions

Date: 19th February
Time: 6:30pm UK time
Theme: ‘Gene Key 21 with the codes of Control – Authority – Valour’
Facilitator: Victoria Padma Khandro 

On 19th Feb @ 6:30pm UK time we will go deep on a powerful day astrologically. As many of you know we now have a lot of Aquarian energy in the field and this really can yield the possibilities for higher multidimensional awareness and new societies. Most people are also aware that the current economic situation is crumbling and this is creating a lot of unease and volatility. How do we transmute material fears which make us selfish and contracted to become more aware of our personal authority and higher benevolence?

Padma Khandro will give us all a short satsang on the energy of the day to land us in the space.

19th Feb is:
• The beginning of the Mayan new year – 11 E’. (Many strong paths – wandering)
• Red-Self-existing earth in the Dreamspell Calendar
• Moon is in Dhanishta Nakshatra (Jyotisa/Vedic). Deeply connected to getting our timing right to step into true abundance
• New Moon in Aquarius

Then we are going to be looking at Gene Key 21 with the codes of Control – Authority – Valour to help us be in high integrity and alignment with our Highest Path is this time of growing economic unease.If anyone has this key in their hologenetic profile then please message me and we can work with you as a recipient of deep transmutation and transfiguration of any of the dominance the shadow codes may hold in your system.

Please watch the videos above if you are new to this modality.

Also Padma Khandro is excited to be teaching Level 2 QT to her first intake in the next few months and in the autumn she’s offering QT level 1 training again and its likely to be the only opportunity to do this until 2025. Looking forward to deepening this deep work on consciousness – the astro of this year is very fitting to this work and Victoria feels that we can help achieve a lot for the collective by undertaking this deep soul work together.

Look forward to weaving with you all soon! x


Victoria Padma Khandro

Padma Khandro is a multi-faceted and intuitive holistic practitioner and Master Teacher of several forms of energy medicine. She recently spent 13 years in a wandering immersion which took her to tribes and wisdom keepers across the globe and uncovering deep mysteries about the ‘Serpent Codes’ which include Death work and rites. With a background in trauma work and working with plant medicines and Altered States of Consciousnes impacted deeply by her experiences growing up in N.Ireland during the Troubles, Padma Khandro has spent the last 30 years working in marginal communities and realms. Padma Khandro experienced death processes first-hand from the age of 15 when her mother left her body.

She has been working with energy medicine, shamanic practices, yoga, psychotherapy and therapeutic support for over 20 years and has pioneered Trauma healing Blueprints, Quantum healing techniques and a Mystery School called Dharma Stars.

She is a keen advocate of Natural and Spiritual Law principles and her recent studies in Vedic astrology also indicate why death, the unseen and transitional realms are something ‘natural’ for her to study and work with. In 2016 Padma became a Dying Consciously practitioner whilst in Peru and she has been working with these teachings in an adapted form since then. She also is a Pranayama teacher, Non-Dual Astrologer and works with Tibetan practices and having studied the Tibetan Book of the Dead around 20 years ago she is now studying with Khentrul Rinpoche and her main lineage is Kalachakra Tantra.

For more on her work visit www.lotusprogramme.com
For more on Dharma Stars www.dharmastars.org


Energy exchange £13 – £18
It is required to complete this at least 1 hour before the session.

Payment to paypal ethicalsolutions23@gmail.comAlternative payment details available if necessary.
Write on the payment ‘QT’, and ‘Your name’.

Please note that Padma Khandro sends out the link for the zoom session 1 hour before. If you do not sign up in time you may receive a recording of the session – they are very powerful across space and time!

Previous QT students may come for half price and contribute to the group field and consciousness stream.

For more dynamic communications on the topic, please join our Quantum Transfiguration Group!

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