quantum transfiguration

As more and more is discovered about DNA, it is acknowledged that epigenetics shows that not only do we inherit things like trauma, but that we can clear and upgrade our DNA. There are ways we can identify, transmute and transfigure old wounds and patterns to actually become a solid foundation for our heightened productivity, awareness and connectedness. DNA too and karma can be ‘transfigured’ – transforming us to a higher aspect. Through a range of techniques from decades of enquiry, self-healing and Guidance Victoria Padma Khandro has been allowed to develop a way for us to utilise many tools and resonances to go into profound rewiring – importantly, finding our soul’s lessons along the way. Because this is a significant modality I feel its important to give you some deeper context so your soul and being can check if it is in resonance – so you are welcome to watch the video, or read on!

Recently, a growing group of us have been working with the Gene Keys system and quantum transfiguration with powerful outcomes – we have been guided to offer regular transfiguration sessions to work through the genetic blueprint as a part of clearing our own blockages but also to upgrade the field – please join us if you would like to experience a deep upgrade!

Dharma Stars Quantum Transfiguration and Consciousness Studies

Date: 27th May 
Time: 5:30pm UK time

Our next Quantum Transfiguration session is THIS SATURDAY, 27th @ 5:30pm UK time
Have you ever felt that you are perpetually chasing your tail and can’t find freedom or flow to Be your Highest iteration?
We’re going to transmute the pattern of impatience which keeps us trapped in false time and transfigure to open to the energies of Timelessness.
These are very powerful sessions and our current Level 2 students will be increasingly taking more of a central role in our sessions and we will all benefit wonderfully from this deeper group field!
The energy of the day is potent!
It is white Planetary Wizard GAP day in the Dreamspell calendar – a profound portal energy when genetic and ancestral healing is up. It is also part of the Serpent Wavespell and a great time to examine our relationship to outmoded power structures – indeed – such as manufactured rather than Natural Time. Wizard days imbue energy of becoming more receptive to the earth and her cycles and to step into timelessness – beyond contrived patriarchal notions of time.

In the Traditional Mayan calendar it is 4 Toj and this brings a profound weaving with the Dreamspell Year Lord which carries a similar energy. This year until late July we are in a Red Self-Existing Moon year and 4 Toj is its Mayan counterpart. This is all about self-remembrance and a profound opening point for deep ancestral healing. It feels like this year is very much about working through ancestral burdens and therefore the merging of the astrological codes will help us release from the shackles of colonial and patriarchal time to open a gateway into remembering who we really are beyond constructs.
We also have the energy of Purva Phalguni Nakshatra in the field and this connects in with the serpent energy. In many ways we could see an iteration of this through impatient sexuality rather than more sensual, yin intimacy, which also brings us out of our more tantric, timeless nature. We will look at where in the west impatience becomes a massive projection that actually also affects our interpersonal and intimate relationships. How much does impatience keep you in a colonial mindset and actually keep you contracted?
Padama Khandro will give a weaving satsang about these codes and then we will work with Gene Key 5 to get the genetic code to elevate through.
Energy exchange £13 – £18 to Paypal
Ethicalsolutions23@gmail.com and reference ‘QT’ and your name
Please note that you’ll be sent the link for the zoom session 1 hour before. If you do not sign up in time you may receive a recording of the session – they are very powerful across space and time!
Previous QT students may come for half price and contribute to the group field and consciousness stream.
The next QT level 1 training begins again from September this year and its likely to be the only opportunity to do this until 2025.
Looking forward to deepening this deep work on consciousness – we are deep in the middle of some very pioneering pilots of novel therapeutic work with QT and are blown away by how this modality keeps on giving! If you would like to learn about the depth of what QT has to offer please do get in touch!

For more dynamic communications on the topic, please join our Quantum Transfiguration Group!

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