Sacral Intensive day

Sacral Chakra Intensive

Online Day Retreat
28th of May
10am to 5pm UK time

Would you like to experience the multi-faceted offerings of Dharma Stars but can’t make it to one of our courses or residentials?

Look no further!   We are offering an online day retreat following up on the successes of a similar day offering in our Cosmic Ashram in N.Wales in September.

On Sunday 28th May we have a Sacral Chakra Intensive. This day retreat is designed to be a deep experiential upgrade for participants on Serpents of Transformation and the Temple Arts course but is open to anyone who wishes to benefit and learn!   This will be one of our only open events this year, as most of our offerings this year are only for existing students.

The Online retreat begins at 10am and ends at around 5pm.   There will be 2 short breaks and a lunch break in between for approximately 1 hour.

A big theme of the day is ‘abundance’  as there is currently a lot of confusion in the ‘spiritual’ community about what that entails and how one can work in right relation.

Why the Sacral Chakra?

·  The Sacral chakra is where a lot of our karma around separation creates imbalances

·  These manifest as addictions, drama, sexual dysfunction, ‘otherising’, prejudice, subconscious patterning, problems around money and abundance, and difficulty in stepping into our true creativity

·  At this time we are in a massive collective rewiring about what ‘prosperity’ is and there is a lot of confusion and delusion around this

·  If we truly wish to step into Oneness and the Heart, its not enough to just talk about ‘love and light’ – it’s imperative to work through our compounded samskaras, core wounds and faulty programming!

·  The sacral is also where a lot of our issues around relating arise and this is up for many people

·  We are in a deep portal of self-remembrance until late July and many people are currently confronted by a lot of residual trauma and intrusive thoughts.   Many people as such are overwhelmed and contracted

·  We need to access our unconscious and subconscious and also to work with the group field and epigenetics to tap into higher healing

·  A holistic effort at working with teachings on the sacral chakra plus cutting edge modalities (and further personalised add on therapy options for participants) is the key to moving through this challenging time

The Astrology of the day

The retreat takes place during the Serpent wavespell in the Dreamspell Calendar.  Essentially when we are veering into ‘low’ serpent codes we have excess or deficiency of energies around sexuality, the ego, death and materialism.   Its easy enough to see that we are in a saturation point of sorts around these themes right now and its vital for us to release the heavy energies and work through our karma to step into a Higher, Awakened version of ourselves!  The day of the retreat is actually Blue Spectral Eagle which is helping us to dissolve shadow, egoic values and being around the wrong people to see the higher picture and to step into our Higher Spiritual Service – which resounds with heart NOT sexual energy.

In the Traditional Mayan Sacred Calendar we are in Kame Trecena which is all about life, death and rebirth.  It is perfect for Sacred Transitions.  The energy of the day in this system is  5 T’zi  (dog energy)– Unconditional work and working on faith and loyalty.  The energy of this day combined with that of the Eagle gives a real focus on TRUE Dharma, not contrived, performative egoic offerings, but stepping beyond self-cherishing and into true heart-based impulse and action.

The Nakshatra of the day in Vedic Astrology is Uttara-phalguni.  This is deeply about right relationships, generosity, success and spiritual enlightenment.  It has moved from Purva Phalguni where is a little more lazy and indulgent in bed pleasures.   It is therefore fitting to host the retreat on this day because it lends itself to true spiritual abundance and generosity rather than stinginess and self-cherishing (which do not advance people spiritually).

Offerings on the day

·  Satsang on the creation myths and cosmologies of duality and how they meet in the sacral chakra.  A deconstruction of the excesses and deficiencies of the sacral chakra and how it prevents us from truly becoming an Awakened Being.   Exploration of ‘tantra’ and the serpent codes and weaving in Ancient knowledge of non-dual systems and the journey to pristine awareness, not separation.  Calling forth for the higher codes beyond separation and explaining how we can hotwire our system to be more expanded – with Victoria Padma Khandro

·  Short group sharing and Q and A around stepping into higher integrity

·  Quantum Art therapy on working beyond preverbal trauma and the subconscious with Maaike de Haan and the Dharma Stars Team

·  Non-dual Astrology and Natural Law codes Satsang  – ‘Understanding Abundance’ – beyond distortion and materialism to spiritual prosperity, alignment and Dharma – by Victoria Padma Khandro

·  Quantum Transfiguration Session with Sekhem energy medicine on Gene Key 27 – Selfishness – Altruism – Selflessness – with the Quantum Transfiguration Level 2 students and Victoria Padma Khandro.  In this session we will go into a deep multidimensional exploration and transmutation of shadow codes of materialism that keep us entwined in sacral imbalances and out of true compassion and altruism.  We will dedicate the insights and shifts from this session to the collective.

You will receive a Sacral Chakra presentation by Victoria Padma Khandro to prepare you for the day (this is a teaching from our popular Serpents of Transformation immersion).  This is to be listened to before the day retreat so you are really primed and ready to clear deep wounds, traumas and shadow values.

You may also request our Decolonisation mini module from our Temple Arts course if participating on this day retreat.  It will be reduced from £76 to £33 for participants on the day.

Energy Exchange

Please contact Madalena at

Please understand that we are to receive the full value – transaction fees are your responsibility.
If paying with PayPal, please select ‘Friends and Family’ option

– If you require a payment plan you need to arrange this with us
– Payment details ‘your name’ and ‘SoT’ and then if on Payment plan write ‘1’ etc if it’s your first payment and so forth so we can easily keep track of your contributions
– Payments to Bank – Natwest – Ethical Solutions – 46109854 – 010657 OR paypal

Supplementary Offerings

To maximise the outcome of the work we are available in one-to-one capacity in the week before and after the retreat so that you can receive personalised input and support

During the month of May and up to 3rd June Dharma Stars are offering a range of low cost treatments and services to help people on their journey.  Please note that these are part of the completion of training requirements for our versatile students.  If you wish to see a senior practitioner for offerings these are only available through consultations and commitment to doing a programme of work with us ie packages, readings, treatments alongside courses etc.

·  Brain Spotting with Madalena Banha £15 per session

·  Quantum Transfiguration with level 2 students – Donations – recommended £15

·  Quantum Transfiguration with more advanced level 2 students – Donations – recommended £30

·  Sekhem distance healing with a Master Teacher £45 – £60

·  Sekhem distance healing with a more recent graduate – donations – recommended £25

·  Sekhem distance healing with a recent graduate – donation –

·  Free space at a group distance healing session on 16th May (contact Maaike or Madalena)

Larger astrological readings, quantum and psychotherapeutic work is also available with Victoria Padma Khandro.  It is recommended that you have committed to some work with our team/received teachings from us to qualify for this sort of deep soul level work.

Co-Ordinator & Practitioners

Victoria Padma Khandro

Padma Khandro Victoria Sinclair was first initiated into Reiki over 20 years ago and used it prolifically as an apprentice in diverse settings around the world. At this time she was also undergoing another stage of her spiritual development where her channel for kundalini energies, mudra and sound deepened. Twelve years ago Victoria was initiated into Sekhem-Seichim-Reiki by her teacher, Maya Ris at the same time as her work as a keeper and server of plant medicines intensified. She became a Master-Teacher in 2011 and since then has been fusing the teachings with those from her 13 years of intensive journeys to native tribes, mystery schools and wisdom keepers. 

Victoria has been practicing yoga, meditation and martial arts since she was under ten years old and studying metaphysics, ESP and witchcraft for thirty three years. She has been teaching for over twenty-five years including to post-graduate level. Padma Khandro Victoria is also a practitioner of Kalachakra – Highest Yoga Tantra.  Her teacher is Tibetan Lama, Khentrul Rinpoche.

In 2019 Victoria completed several deep planetary initiations and rites which deepened her work and ancestral lineage connections as a keeper of the Serpent codes, Illuminator, emissary of Ra and a Death Doula, and associate of several Mystery Schools and Sacred Orders.   Victoria weaves sacred sound, transmission medicine, epigenetic work and transmutation frequencies to enable deep clearings to take place and to allow space for transfiguration. These sessions are opened and closed as a tightly held sacred space, utilising the highest aspects of Reiki and Sekhem and the priestess lineages they imbue, and Victoria’s long years of apprenticeship, professional, psychotherapeutic and shamanic training, space-holding and trauma and shadow work and academic qualifications and teaching experience.

Victoria shares teachings and transmissions to groups, students and clients all round the world – predominantly Asia, Europe, the Americas and Middle East – ranging from spiritual adepts, marginalised groups, health care professionals, transitioning corporates, holistic practitioners and exemplary young people going through processes of awakening. 

More on Victoria’s experience and projects at

Maaike de Haan

Maaike de Haan is an art therapist and holistic practitioner with a background in higher education and energy medicine. She’s a Dharma STARS co-founder, course contributor and senior practitioner for the platform.

Maaike has been a qualified therapist for over 15 years and has worked with people from all ages, backgrounds and walks of life in a myriad of mental healthcare settings, incl. child psychiatry, geriatric psychiatric care, youthwork, (young) adults with complex behavioural issues and/ or (psychiatric) diagnoses like AD(H)D, Autism spectrum, BPD, depression, attachment and personality disorders as well as trauma.

As a practitioner Maaike weaves a fusion of modalities, anchoring her natural intuitive and empathic gifts in psychotherapeutic training and initiations into ancient wisdom and energy medicine lineages, resulting in a grounded holistic and trauma-informed approach.

Maaike is a Reiki Master/ Teacher in the Usui/ Tibetan tradition and a Sekhem Master initiate. She has studied specialism subjects such as Energetic Hygiene/ Clearings, Earthkeeping, Spaceholding and Quantum Transfiguration with her teacher Padma Khandro Victoria Sinclair, who she has travelled and worked with extensively in Mexico, Asia and Europe for the last 3 years. Maaike has been initiated into working with several plant teachers/ allies by Padma Khandro over the years, incl. Blue Lotus and Tobacco and is trained to offer Sananga assisted clearing work also.

Maaike currently works as a resident art therapist as part of a multi-disciplinary team at a specialised children and youth healthcare institution in the Netherlands, in addition to being a Dharma STARS practitioner working internationally online and in-person. Here, she offers (art) therapy, Sekhem and quantum healing sessions, workshops, deep clearings and Reiki initiations and has contributed to several courses on the platform with teachings on professional practitioner ethics, contemporary tribal law and creative self expression/ self-enquiry.


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