1:1 Session
A quick yet thorough energetic sweep of your system, to clear up your field and lighten up the load a bit in these times.
A mini-reset ahead of and/ or during the deeper winter months, creating some space and lightness for your being. For those who are feeling heavy, tired and sluggish, or who just wish to receive this periodically as part of their energetic self-care routine.
Especially recommended after extensive travel -especially through airports- and visiting festivals, concerts or other gatherings.
Please note: the practitioner will reserve the right to determine on an individual case-by-case basis if the level of clearing needed will be suitable for a Quick Fix. If decided that deeper work and/ or a different approach will be needed, the practitioner will sign-post you to the appropriate package, route, and in certain cases they will refer you to another practitioner with the specific expertise needed for the specific work.
Energy Exchange: £33/30min – at distance
Maaike de Haan
Maaike de Haan is an art therapist and holistic practitioner with a foundation in energy medicine and teaching background in higher education, who has devoted her life to studying and working within the Healing Arts. She’s a Dharma STARS co-founder, course contributor and senior practitioner for the platform.
Maaike weaves a fusion of modalities, anchoring her natural intuitive, empathic and multidimensional gifts in psychotherapeutic training and initiations into ancient wisdom and energy medicine lineages, resulting in a grounded holistic and trauma-informed approach.
Maaike is a Quantum Transfiguration practitioner (level 2), Reiki Master [Usui/ Tibetan tradition] and Sekhem Master/ Teacher initiate, who has studied specialisms in Energetic Hygiene & Clearings, Spaceholding, Earthkeeping and Death, Dying & Transitions, with her teacher Padma Khandro Victoria Sinclair – who she has been travelling and working with extensively in Mexico, Asia and Europe for the past 4+ years.
Maaike has been initiated into working with several plant teachers/ allies over the years, incl. Blue Lotus and Tobacco. She is trained to do Sananga assisted clearing work also.
Maaike currently works as a resident art therapist with children and teenagers, as part of a multi-disciplinary team at a specialised therapy practice in the North of the Netherlands, in addition to being a Dharma STARS senior practitioner working internationally online and in-person. She is currently developing Quantum Art Therapy as a modality, under the supervision of Victoria Padma Khandro – since 2022.
Maaike is available for (Quantum) Art Therapy, Inner Child and (related) Trauma work, Quantum Transfiguration, Sekhem energy healing and deep Clearing work of people and spaces. Maaike is also able to work remotely.