The New Earth timeline
TWO life-changing satsangs in one day - September 17
Padma Khandro will be offering the well-received presentation that was given at the Breathe Festival in Avalon in August to international audiences..
Theme: ‘Ancient pranayama practices as a key to time-travel, the Golden Age, and Liberation’
Facilitator: Victoria Padma Khandro
17th of September | 10:30 to 12:30 UK time | online
Facilitator: Victoria Padma Khandro
17th September | 4pm to 5:30pm UK time | in-person Wales (and online, if we have substantial interest from international students)

Victoria Padma Khandro will be offering a satsang that is a weaving of codes of Pranayama, Numerology and Time.
In this lively presentation will be shared insights about the Ancient technologies of Pranayam and their incorporation in high Tantric practices to clear karma, samskaras, addictions and trauma looping. It is a weaving, a deep dive through several cosmovisions and lineages and it is linking through masters of pranayama and how the breath is the key for coming into a higher timeline and liberation.
We will look at some fundamental concepts of Pranayama:
· Basic theories around pranayama
· Pranayama as the precursor to safe rising and falling of the Kundalini
· ‘Liberation in one lifetime’ – the fast track that Ancient practices bring to clear chakra blockages
· Pranayama and time and space – the body as a fractal and the pristine gateway to self-liberation
· Pranayama as the gateway to a conscious death
· Pranayama and Highest Yoga Tantra – the Golden Age and the ‘fast track timeline
Victoria Padma Khandro will also share on some forthcoming pranayama/astrology and chakra immersions that are utilising these secret teachings from the Masters, and how we can move from Karma to Dharma and to join the growing team of Shambhala Warriors – ignited for purpose.
Depending on time, we may also practice a basic pranayama together as a group-field.
Energy exchange: 9£ for SoT students, £18 for non students.
To register please contact us at dharmastars.org@gmail.com
What is Dharma? How does one find their Dharma Path? The non-biased approach for the Golden Age. Understanding the role of alternative therapies and Ancient cosmovisions to provide a gateway to the New Earth timeline.
In this session we’ll be sharing some fundamentals of Natural Law and Time bringing teachings from numerous lineages to help participants to get more acquainted with how to transition from karmic looping in life, to sovereignty and Highest Service. We will give some practices and astrological hacks to help you access a deeper understanding of what you have carried over from the past into your present and future Higher Path.
If we have substantial interest from international and distant students we will run this satsang on zoom on a donation basis and all proceeds will go towards a fund to help us establish a further opportunity for a physical venue for teachings
Victoria Padma Khandro

Padma Khandro is a multi-faceted and intuitive holistic practitioner and Master Teacher of several forms of energy medicine. She recently spent 13 years in a wandering immersion which took her to tribes and wisdom keepers across the globe and uncovering deep mysteries about the ‘Serpent Codes’ which include Death work and rites. With a background in trauma work and working with plant medicines and Altered States of Consciousnes impacted deeply by her experiences growing up in N.Ireland during the Troubles, Padma Khandro has spent the last 30 years working in marginal communities and realms. Padma Khandro experienced death processes first-hand from the age of 15 when her mother left her body.
She has been working with energy medicine, shamanic practices, yoga, psychotherapy and therapeutic support for over 20 years and has pioneered Trauma healing Blueprints, Quantum healing techniques and a Mystery School called Dharma Stars.
She is a keen advocate of Natural and Spiritual Law principles and her recent studies in Vedic astrology also indicate why death, the unseen and transitional realms are something ‘natural’ for her to study and work with. In 2016 Padma became a Dying Consciously practitioner whilst in Peru and she has been working with these teachings in an adapted form since then. She also is a Pranayama teacher, Non-Dual Astrologer and works with Tibetan practices and having studied the Tibetan Book of the Dead around 20 years ago she is now studying with Khentrul Rinpoche and her main lineage is Kalachakra Tantra.
For more on her work visit www.lotusprogramme.com
For more on Dharma Stars www.dharmastars.org
Energy exchange: for SoT students £9, for non students £18.
It is required to complete this at least 1 hour before the session.
Please understand that we are to receive the full value – transaction fees are your responsibility.
If paying with PayPal, please select ‘Friends and Family’ option
Payment to paypal ethicalsolutions23@gmail.com.
Write on the payment ‘Pranayama Satsang’, and ‘Your name’.
Please confirm you have done this and then you’ll receive the link about an hour before. Alternative payment details available if necessary.