Serpents of Transformation – Root Chakra Journey

Root Chakra Journey

Serpents of Transformation

9-day Immersion | Beginning October 20, 2024

Would you like to experience our teachings and achieve deep insights and rewiring in a real-time container that helps you to meet our team and students?

Would you benefit from deepening your understanding of the ancestors, DNA and chakra wisdom, yoga and pranayama?

Would you like to do some deep inner work, aligned with sacred numerological and astrological markers that help to make our healing and realisations more palpable?

Would you benefit from entering into  autumn and winter with mentoring, teachings or therapeutic support to help you to overcome trauma, ancestral residues or in-utero trauma?

If so, our short, real-time root chakra immersion in late October may be what you are looking for!

Dharma STARS is giving students a snapshot of our larger holistic system, the Serpents of Transformation.
From 20th October (during the Serpent Wavespell) we will be running a 9-day Root Chakra intensive immersion, plus 4 days integration.

In the next few years, ancestral healing will become of deeper collective importance, and many people are already stepping forth to embody ‘it ends with me’ regarding negative patterning that resides in their bloodlines.

Understanding the metaphysics of the serpent archetype, the root chakra, yogic philosophy and multidimensional DNA knowledge helps us to align with astrology, esoteric wisdom, trauma-informed work and numerology to utilise ancient pranayama practices as a flip switch to move through karmic residues.   

This immersion is profoundly life-changing: it brings up a lot to move through, and gives you practices and insights to keep for life, to help you release samskaras and blockages of negative root chakra karma.

For 9 days we will unite through daily pranayama and yoga practices, alongside real-time clearing sessions, and teachings on the energetics and astrology that make this such a potent time to do the work.

Uncover the Secrets of the Serpent Totem
in a mini-immersion version root chakra special of our successful Serpents of Transformation programme

We start during the Serpent Wavespell in the Dreamspell calendar but a few days later we come into the Trecena Kame in the Mayan Sacred Calendar which is great for connecting to those deceased and to understand sacred transitions.

Our Serpents of Transformation mini-immersion is a great way to

  • Overcome karma and samskaras that affect your feelings around being here in this world and body
  • Access numerological and astrological keys which when combined with pranayama, yoga and metaphysical teachings, unlock the door that leads to your freedom from ancestral patterning, survival terror, early trauma/karma and much more
  • Helps you to engage with the Indian chakra system
  • Helps you to understand and engage with the powerful metaphor of the serpent as key to wisdom, embodiment, generational healing, kundalini shakti and spiritual development
  • Open your body and being gracefully to kundalini energies
  • Work with a highly experienced team of yoginis, trauma specialists, psychotherapists and consciousness weavers
  • Get to know our team and to open up to your autumn and winter journey (northern hemisphere)
  • Do an experiential and energetic deep dive ahead of our powerful 3-month Ancestral Healing course
  • Have a daily sadhana for 9 days that will help you overcome massive blocks in your life
  • Take part in real-time sessions to work in a multidimensional way with the immersion insights to benefit your transformation across the spectrum
  • Work in alignment with astrology and natural law – which always makes the potential for high outcomes more potent
  • To tap into secret traditions and practices of ancient sages and wisdom keepers

Our students’ feedback

Serpents of Transformation Immersion

This course takes you on a deep healing journey of the soul, and what this looks like will be different for each of us. Different stories and experiences from childhood and past lives bubble to the surface, wounds which the inner child has carried around for years—and so much more. What I appreciated most of all is we were guided along this journey.

The Serpents of Transformation programme has been running for over 4 years and many students keep coming back every time because of the potency of this work. We are now offering the opportunity to take the first section of the full Serpent’s of Transformation as a stand-alone 9-day segment, to enable you to work intensively and keep up over the full 9 days.

This experiential deep dive 9-day journey is a very affordable way to utilise breath, body and multidimensional teachings to work through our own foundational karmas… With special teachings and satsangs tailored for this intake taking into account the astrological times we’re in and the journey we are taking as a collective! We then have the 3-month Ancestors course running from 25th October to help people really step up to do this important work.

There are reduced rate bundles available for those who can do both programmes. If you need an affordable reset then this immersion is a great way to overcome many blocks and understand your own wiring better.
Many people are feeling it is time to release residual trauma and the imprint of our own childhood plus ancestral karmas that are stored in the body and energetic blueprint.  For next few years we are in a portal where ancestral healing is going to be of maximum significance.  We will begin to open up that journey through this immersion, and then have qualified practitioners available throughout the winter to help you really do the inner work.

In this particular immersion you will get the opportunity to

  • Understand how pranayama and foundational breathing work
  • Commit to a daily practice in this mini-immersion to clear many blockages
  • Work on the themes of feeling safe in the world, your roots, ancestral karma and birth trauma
  • To utilise the mini-immersion as a gateway to work more deeply with our team. Doing the immersion puts you at the front of the queue to get access to further teachings, readings, personalised trauma, ancestral and in-utero work
  • Be part of a committed, authentic cosmic finishing school environment
  • Begin to align with natural law and time which will help you to free from trauma looping and non-alignment with your true purpose
  • Take part in real-time sessions over the 9 days which will help you understand our quantum work and teachings for future endeavours
  • Work with sacred encoded systems that were brought through by avatars such as Babaji and to leave the immersion with numerous extra tools for your daily practice

This includes

  • Welcome and context preparation videos
  • Pranayama instructions videos for foundational breathing (a key for all breathwork practitioners)
  • Special root chakra pranayama sadhana for the 9 days (must do daily to get full results)
  • Specially devised root chakra sadhana to do on at least 3 of the days of the immersion
  • Recorded satsang on the keys to the Root Chakra
  • Special 2024 Root chakra teachings and the lead in to 2025 satsang from Padma
  • Real-time opening and intention-setting session
  • Real-time Ancestral gateway witnessing session
  • Real-time Quantum Transfiguration session

And the option for add-on sessions in In-Utero processing, Non-Dual Astrology, Brainspotting, IFS, Sekhem healing, Quantum Clearing and Quantum Recapitulation throughout the Autumn and Winter

Real-Time Tutorials

20th October @ 6pm UK
25th October @ 6pm UK
27th October @ 10:30am UK

*these may be subject to change

Our students’ feedback

Serpents of Transformation Immersion

The discipline of the routine practice creates an anchor point in the middle of even life’s most chaotic storms – and carries you through to the other side.(…) Sovereignty over our stories, so we aren’t stuck in states of powerlessness or victimisation; stagnant situations or endlessly repeating loops. Without techniques like this it can easily feel like such circumstances are trapping us.

Energy Exchange

Income less than £15k a year – reduced program fee
Income between £15k and £23k a year – normal rate
Income above £23K a year – sustainer

We have two extra fees available, please contact us if you fall under the following categories:

Reduced program fee
For new students: £88 for those with a lower income
For returning students: £75 for those with a lower income.

For new students: £144
For returning students: £122
for those with a higher income, please consider donating more to help support and make it possible for those in need to receive these teachings at a lower rate.

We are ok with a payment plan. The normal energy exchange for that is £133 in total. The rate differs from when you pay in full. If you need a payment plan, please contact us to set this up at

If you are experiencing hardship then please get in touch and we can look into another arrangement.

Course Co-ordinator

Victoria Sinclair Padma Khandro

Padma Khandro Victoria Sinclair is a Worldwide respected consciousness innovator having facilitated community trainings and events for over 20 years. She is a trauma specialist originally from Belfast, N.Ireland and works bridging realms and modalities in innovation and unique ways for each client or group’s needs.

Padma Khandro is well-known as a culture bridge-maker in her integral work with a broad range of recognised indigenous elders and teachers in S. America, Europe, Asia and Australia.

Her training background includes; Transpersonal Psychology, Epigenetics, Trauma work, Pranayama, Kundalini Yoga, Plant medicines, De-colonisation and Quantum, sound and ancestral practices. She is also a plant communicator and trainer of Sekhem Healing, Serpent Codes, Quantum Consciousness, Fundamental Energetics and Altered States of Consciousness. Her fusion trauma informed approaches bridge shamanism, IFS, CRM, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, Quantum Transfiguration and Ancestral work. She has been working as a practitioner in Energy Work and Mental Healthcare settings for 20 years. Over the last 4 years she has become a practitioner of Kalachakra Highest Yoga Tantra, studying with Rime, non-sectarian Master, Khentrul Rinpoche and the Dzokden organisation.

Victoria’s dedication to healing communities has initiated various ground-breaking programs including the Lotus Avatar Earthkeepers Program, Wounded Healer Holistic Series and the Lotus Consciousness Platform – a global hub for conscious education – as well facilitating ceremonial practice with plant teachers, tribal councils and communities and at many international event gatherings. She has also recently launched a new Mystery School – Dharma Sekhem Temple Arts Rejuvenation School.

Madalena Banha

Madalena is an energy medicine practitioner.
Since 2018 she has been on a deep energy medicine journey having been initiated into Reiki and Sekhem lineages, being a Sekhem Advanced practitioner.

She’s trained in Permaculture, Plant Alchemy, Energetic Hygiene, Divination, Brainspotting, Multidimensional Spaceholing and is a trauma-informed practitioner.

Her connection with plants has deepened over the years, working closely with them since 2019 and in 2022 she was initiated into Tobacco – a sacred master plant teacher – by her teacher Victoria Padma Khandro.

She’s been working in pioneer and visionary projects, and intergenerationally for over 5 years, being a co-founder of Dharma STARS.


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