Free Webinar

Karmic Serpent codes

Rahu and Ketu explained, and the fractal of serpent wisdom from DNA to the Pleiades

Dharma Stars Satsang Rahu-Ketu

Date: 24th November
Time: 7 pm UK
Facilitator: Victoria Padma Khandro

This is a deep weaving of Ancient teachings and astrological insights from the current times fused with insights as to the technologies we have within the body to work beyond all of this and WHY the Time is Now!
These teachings which Victoria Padma Khandro have been on a deep life journey with for 20 years across the planet are coming at a time when astrologically there is a portal for us to clear our deepest karmas around certain things… She will be sharing about the timeline of that window and some tools and tips as to how to make the most of this time – and what the Ancients and Indigenous tribes have to say about these influences – based on her work with numerous wisdom keepers and lineage holders.
Victoria Padma Khandro will also be taking requests for a series of satsangs over the coming months, specifically focused on helping you to get closer to understand how liberation and dharma can be elevated…

And at the end of the webinar will also be shared information about our forthcoming training and immersion in chakras, DNA, yoga and pranayama – Serpents of Transformation.

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