Non-dual Approaches and Safe Working with Entities

Non Dual Approaches
and Safe Working with Entities

Is anyone experiencing interference, attacked by entities, or coming to the time as a practitioner that they want to understand energetic hygiene better?

Look no further! In February, due to requests by numerous students we are running a pre-recorded and live course on this rather controversial and timely topic.

This course in itself is a journey from understanding fear and separation across the realms to entering robust non-dual awareness. It is running during an astrological time where themes such as good and evil are going to be collapsed and challenged. As a metaphysical practitioner or seeker, to understand energy, multidimensionality, spiritual diplomacy and ethics when working with the spirit world is imperative.

Drawing on her multi-lineage training, Padma Khandro will offer refreshing and optimistic insights with many lively case studies to help you understand how to commit to sacred activism with the unseen realms – an important attribute for the brave of heart to commit to in these times. She will draw upon insights from Sekhem healing, plant lore and curanderismo, temple arts, sacred resins and woods, incantations, dharma protectors, indigenous science and natural law, shamanic psychotherapy and cultural first aid.

Students will also be expected to read appointed sections of the book Dakini Weaving – Keys to the Golden Age in an applied manner to help to add to the ‘bigger picture’ teachings that this multidisciplinary course holds.

Free webinar which explains a little about the upcoming astrology and why it is a time when spiritual communication and for some, interference may increase.

There then follows an explanation about our forthcoming course in Non-Dual and Safe working with Entities. This course weaves insights from diverse cosmologies including energy medicine, shamanism, psychotherapy, indigenous science, Tibetan Buddhism and geomancy. It is a valuable tool to help you optimise your own energetics or to begin to come into an expanded way with working with psycho-spiritual energies of various natures. It combines training and professional work I have been conducting for over 25 years.

I believe a strong point of this course is that we have 2 real time clinics where you can bring case studies that you really wish for some guidance and mentorship on. Furthermore the course, for the majority is run over 2 weekends but if you are quite new to this topic you may opt in to just do the first introductory level stepping stone within this level one training and then opt in at a later point for the teachings that branch into more interpersonal and therapeutic protocols.

It includes teachings on:

Week One – Introductory Overview

Week One – Introductory Overview

Week Two – Developing robustness and taking fear and duality out of the repertoire

Week Two – Developing robustness and taking fear and duality out of the repertoire

Week Three – Beyond Duality

Week Three – Beyond Duality

Entities, interference and working with entities and 4th dimensional energies

Entities, interference and working with entities and 4th dimensional energies

Understanding our wounds – our aura, karma, chakras, tears and the energetic body

Understanding our wounds – our aura, karma, chakras, tears and the energetic body

Understanding Duality and the times we are in – the practitioner and the quest between good and evil

Understanding Duality and the times we are in – the practitioner and the quest between good and evil

The IFS Model – Sub-personalities, unattached burdens and golden rules for working with energies that are not ‘our own’

The IFS Model – Sub-personalities, unattached burdens and golden rules for working with energies that are not ‘our own’

The Q’ero Model – Light and Heavy Energies – Hucha and Sami – taking fear out of our repertoire

The Q’ero Model – Light and Heavy Energies – Hucha and Sami – taking fear out of our repertoire

The Language of Consciousness – New specially commissioned 2025 transmission

The Language of Consciousness – New specially commissioned 2025 transmission

Non-Dual approaches and the concept of Feeding our Demons. From Drama to Non-Conceptuality

Non-Dual approaches and the concept of Feeding our Demons. From Drama to Non-Conceptuality

Top tips for spiritual and energetic hygiene

Top tips for spiritual and energetic hygiene

These teachings are geared to help people understand the evolutionary leap to create causes and conditions to bring the Golden Age

WEEK One – Introductory Overview

The first two sessions will be available in the learning centre from 7th Feb so that those who have registered early can begin to access the materials.

Reading for Week One: ‘The energy body and duality’ chapter of Dakini Weaving – Keys to the Golden Age.

Lesson 1: Entities, interference and working with entities and 4th dimensional energies

In this section we will explore the concept of ‘entities’ scanning the world of the metaphysical & different ancient and more modern concepts around these energies.

We will also look at ‘interference’. We hear this term a lot.
What does it mean? How can we deal with it? This will then lead into the concepts that are popularised in these times around 4th dimensional energies and the archons.  With reference to metaphysical texts, Padma will deconstruct the cosmic purposes we may find with all of the above. Rather than provoking conflictual or fear-based responses, we will learn how to utilise these energies on a tantric level and to find growth and meaning through interactions with these realms.

Please note this section will include a previous Advanced Level Sekhem resource plus a newly commissioned set of audio recordings that will help you gain understanding.  We will be offering this section in bite size chunks.  Please remember it is your responsibility to take notes, process and apply yourself to the materials! This is why we will be varying the teaching materials to cater for different learning styles and also to encourage you to move beyond laziness to diligence!

Lesson 2: Understanding our wounds – our aura, karma, chakras, tears and the energetic body

In this powerpoint presentation we will unpack the relationship between entity attachments, metaphysical drama and our own karmic state, emotional and energetic well-being.

Drawing on Cyndi Dale’s work on energetic boundaries and the subtle body we will look at the role trauma, karma and auric tears have in making us susceptible to multidimensional drama. We will look at how to utilise these insights for our own healing journey and to help us understand our own unique specialisms as a practitioner that this journey may catalyse.

We will also draw insights from astrology, gene keys, human design and other systems and divination practices to help you understand your wounds as profound gateways to interacting with the spirit world. Vitally we will discuss ethics of working as wounded healer and with very wounded people. When working with entities it is vital that we are a clear channel. How do we assess this?  Where do we draw the line? How can we read energetics to spot metaphysical wounds, to map them and to assist positive transformation?

Live Presentation on FEB 22: Understanding Duality and the times we are in – the practitioner and the quest between good and evil

A powerpoint presentation and then Q&A. Padma will be sharing prophecies and lore from many mystery school traditions alongside a consolidation of Non-Dual Astrology insights which help to understand the current manifestation of the dualistic paradigm. In this session you will gain an understanding of the potential evolution that entities and how we understand our own energetic programming may precipitate.

Padma will also briefly cover the themes of narcissism and Wetiko as purported sites of psychological parasites in individuals and larger sections of the community.

After this session there will be a break and then we will have a 90 minute (approx) interactive tutorial with case studies, practitioner questions and further insights on themes raised in Week One.

WEEK Two – Developing robustness & taking fear and duality out of the repertoire

Reading for Week Two: ‘Language of Consciousness’ and ‘Trauma Theory and Applications’ chapters of Dakini Weaving – Keys to the Golden Age.

Lesson 3: The IFS Model – Sub-personalities, unattached burdens and golden rules for working with energies that are not ‘our own’

We are now in a promising time where even evidence based psychotherapies such as IFS have languaging and protocol for dealing with entities and energies that are not ‘our own’. We will look at the contributions that modalities like IFS has made in safe, expanded work with energetic attachments and also highlight limitations that may exist. We will look at some of the common principles of safe working with entities that are now common practice in very 3D clinic spaces. We will also look at research done into working with entities using IFS modelling and the concept of ‘unattached burdens’.

Lesson 4: The Q’ero Model – Light and Heavy Energies – Hucha and Sami – taking fear out of our repertoire

Indigenous Science has many beautiful ways of creating terminology and less fear-based ways of looking at energy. In this session we will look at some practices and cosmological beliefs of the Q’ero Tribe of the Sacred Valley area of Peru. Padma will be joined by Marianne McLaughlin who began training in Andean energy medicine in the lineage of Fredy Puma Quispe Singona in 2021 and is now training with Vilma Pinedo. 

We will look at the concept of heavy and light energy and how we may discern and work with these. We will outline a few basic practices to help you work with your own energetic bubble and how to demystify what may seem like frightening, threatening forces to actually become more reconnected into the earth grid and also more accepting of dense  energies without becoming either overly avoidant or combative

Live Presentation on MAR 2: The Language of Consciousness – New specially commissioned 2025 transmission

Drawing on findings from geomancy, psychotherapy and shamanic work, Padma shows some sacred rules that govern diplomacy across the realms. Honouring the fractal of things and correlations Padma observed across diverse fields and settings, she outlines the Language of Consciousness. This is a basic and effective toolkit and protocol for safe interdimensional liaison. Once we can understand what it means to be an interlocutor between the realms and some of the universal themes that come up in settings that involve entities we can work from an energetically expanded state and to prevent energetic hijack, sensationalism, drama and bad karma from unfolding.

Inter-dimensional diplomacy is a sacred art and if we have the right attitude and understand signs, themes and protocols we can help all beings to find their place.

WEEK Three – Beyond Duality

There is no class this week but you are expected to study the pre-recorded sessions and to comment on them in Slack. Quiz will be ready on week 4 for those who wish to proceed to Level 2 or to carry this over as a Sekhem elective/professional qualification

Lesson 5: Non-Dual approaches including Tibetan Buddhist approaches such as Chod & the concept of Feeding our Demons. From Drama to Non-Conceptuality

The concept of working with entities is predicated on a sense of ‘self’ and ‘other’. When we work with certain schools of thought and spirituality a heightened level of realisation moves beyond distinctions that locate anything beyond the holder of perception. Applying principles of karma can also help us to understand that cause and effect are always factors at play and thus there is always a reason for entity attack/interference etc. When we reach deeper non-dual and non-conceptual awareness we able to interact with all things without bias, aversion or attachment and at a high level of cultivation one is able to achieve mastery of worlds and realms that may appear treacherous or demonic.

Drawing upon Tibetan Buddhism we will look at revered practices such as Chod, and deconstruct how we may aspire and cultivate to become non-attached to the more sensational aspects of ‘entity work’. Learning to become generous of spirit and beyond a body can help us to enter higher states of union with the divine or our Buddha Nature. We will end with some basic practices and tools to help us to begin to carve a more robust knowledge of ‘self’ that defies danger, intrusive thoughts or energetic disturbances.

Lesson 6: Top tips for spiritual and energetic hygiene – Medicines, resins, safe working with your team and sacred mantra, the power to decree and incantation

In this final session, which weaves across many modalities and practices we will provide some tangible tools ranging from plant medicines, mantras and Sekhem to learning to map your own suitability and style when working with external forces from metaphysical realms. Please note that this is an educational session to assist you to cultivate interest or awareness in future trainings or trajectories that may suit your personal path.  

We will outline which of the practices referred to that you may begin to journey with on your own.

Receiving introductory signposting and teachings on these modalities does not qualify you to declare yourself an initiate in any of them nor to treat yourself or others with them. We have signposting and affordable singular trainings for many of the more powerful tools available when enough people request them.    

Format of the Course

Level one of the course will be mostly factual with both recorded sessions and real time tutorials.

For those who are ready, there is then the option to apply for the more experiential Level Two where you will get to do practical work in teams with the specialist support of Padma Khandro Victoria Sinclair.

Please note that each stage of the course involves questionnaire and screening process. Should you require any expert attention for current interference please see below

Real time tutorials

Real-time interactive dakini weaving sessions and tutorials, hosted by Padma Khandro

Tutorial 1: FEB 22 @ 4PM to 8:15PM
Tutorial 2: MAR 2 @ 4PM to 8:15PM

*these are 4h classes and may be subject to change


Because of the extensive subject matter and because you may be new to our courses and teachings we have a special opportunity to try out part of our Entities course:

Section 1 – which is are 4 recorded teachings plus a live class and clinic on 22nd is available if you would like to break the course down.

Included is around 10 hours of material including the opportunity to ask questions about entities, interference, situations you have experienced with Padma at the live session on 22nd Feb.

This may suit those who are fascinated in the subject but newer to metaphysical study, plus for those of you who are not sure/able to invest in the full course at this time.

These are high calibre teachings with an array of case studies to help you understand how to navigate the subtle realms and energies. You also have this unique opportunity to talk to a Master teacher of the Healing Arts who is committed to helping students to work beyond polarisation and fear to their full expanded potential.

You may then opt in for Week 2 (and further) of the teachings if you feel the call and to pay the remainder price. If you feel you need some integration time you can commit to the next section of Level One in your own time. If there are more than 6 people choosing this option and the timing of this is cohesive between those registering for this option Padma will run another 2 hour clinic.

On successful completion of Level One, there will be options to come onto the experiential level Two training which is likely to begin late 2025 or early 2026.


This is an educational course that aims to lead the student to a non-dual way of working with energies that are regarded as ‘entities’.

Please note that this is not an exorcism course and if you are currently dealing with a high level of interference it is your responsibility to seek adequate training or professional support and to invest time, energy, and where necessary financial expense to work with this.

We do have a referral system if this is what you are currently looking for you may request a 30 minute consultation with an experienced member of our team. We require payment of £35 up front to schedule you in your session. We can then help advise you and give you options and referrals to the right practitioner to help you. This will also be delivered on a pay in advance basis due to the volatile nature and tendency to time-wasting that many people exhibit when they complain of interference.

*Over the next 9 months we’re training up new team members, please bear with us while we restructure our system and organisation.
We are grateful for your understanding.


Section 1

  • 10h of teaching material in total
  • 4.5h recorded teachings
  • 2h of real-time teaching
  • 2h of real-time clinic and Q&A

Level 1

  • all included in section 1
  • recorded teachings of all other sections
  • 2 real-time teachings
  • 2 real-time clinics and Q&A

We have two extra fees available, please contact us if you fall under the following categories:

Reduced program fee: £366, for those with a lower income

Sustainer: £444, for those with higher income, please consider donating more to help support and make it possible for those in need to receive these teachings at a lower rate.

We are ok with a payment plan. The normal energy exchange for that is £430 in total. The rate differs from when you pay in full. If you need a payment plan, please contact us to set this up at

If you are experiencing hardship then please get in touch and we can look into another arrangement.

Course Co-ordinator & Teacher


Padma Khandro was attuned to work with entities, extractions and exorcisms over 25 years ago and has worked globally for almost 20 years in diverse settings.

She has trained with curanderos, energy medicine specialists, Dharma lineage holders and has conducted earth work and ceremonies to work with spirit interference and liaison extensively.

From a lineage of spiritual warriors Padma has worked in a non-sectarian nature since childhood and thus holds a non-dualistic and compassionate position when working with beings across different realms. On a daily basis she works with non-incarnate energies, entities and unattached burdens.

She works with numerous elders and wisdom-keepers on a global level in communication with the unseen realms and is often brought is as the ‘ambassador with speech’ for her ability to converse across the realms. This is always done from a non-manipulative ‘white magic’ perspective and well-being and appointment for all beings to a state of belonging and right ecosystem is the paramount objective in all cases for the good of all.


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