

8th to 15th of June
Glen Lyon


The brochure for our Sekhem Temple Arts Mystery School in Glen Lyon in the Highlands of Scotland is now available!

We are going deep in getting energy medicine students to the next level this year and places are already filling up for the deep dive Mystery School from 8th to 15th June.

There will be in-person residential options plus a brand new Temple Arts Module for online students.

Please contact to request your Brochure!


Glen Lyon is in the Highlands of Scotland. It is home to the Fortingall Yew and standing stones, the Praying Hands, Sphinx Rock, is on the doorstep of Schiehallion the Fairy Mountain, the Cailleach stones and many other sacred sites. Yeshua’s grandmother, Anna was said to be born there, and wisdom keepers believe that the area is connected to the Middle East. Glen Lyon was the location of the High Druid training ground and was a convergence point for Mystery School Traditions.

For the past 4 years we have been fulfilling a calling to bring lineages together and high teachings and transmissions from this powerful site along with the local wisdom keepers and elders. We are grateful to be reinstating the tradition and magic of Glen Lyon.

We are offering many High Teachings at our Sekhem Mystery School to weave many lineages together to help students to understand why Sekhem means ‘Spiritual Authority’ and how to embody that for our Highest Dharma and Planetary Service.

2023 in numerology is a 7 year and is aligned with Ketu, the karmic node that denotes high spirituality and release from samsaric materialistic tendencies.

Collectively we have an opportunity this year to undergo initiations that will help us find our deeper Soul essence and to move beyond bypassing and lower urges.

The week of the Mystery School happens to be in a full alignment of astrological systems that connects us to our central essence point as a fractal to the Divine. We will be sharing with you timecodes from Mayan, Dreamspell and Vedic systems to help align your central channel with the noosphere and celestial bodies to clear karma and samskaras and step into your Dharma.

Our Mystery School founder Victoria Padma Khandro will be sharing Ancient Tantric wisdom and releasing potent keys for microcosmic/macrocosmic awakening.

Please email us with your expression of interest at to receive the brochure

Mystery School Activities in Glen Lyon

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long shot praying hands



Please email us with your expression of interest at to receive the brochure.

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