let’s talk about…… DEATH

We will look at the Ultimate Initiation – death.
In Western societies, we are often led to fear death because we lack the understanding of this important journey.

Has the concept of Death and Dying become more real to you in recent times?
Has the situation in recent years suddenly outlined to you that there is a great deal of death phobia in your own or your family’s lives that needs some context?
Are you fearful of death and confused about how to approach it?
Are you wanting to be more equipped to deal with the death of your loved ones and to prepare for your own passing over?
Have transitional phases always fascinated you?
Do you feel there is something missing in the discussion of death when it is raised around you?
Have you been looking for information about different cultures and their approaches to death?
Are you interested in concepts around the ‘Soul’?
Have you heard about reincarnation but would like to know more about some approaches?
Are you interested in how the Ancient Mystery Schools looked at death and how it connects with star systems, astronomy and astrology?
Would you like to meet a cohesive and committed group of practitioners who have been working with death and transitional phases for numerous decades and can provide further bespoke training and support regarding their specialist modalities?
Do you have the feeling that in time you might become someone who works with Rites of Passage or being a Death Doula?

In this course, we will look at the Ultimate Initiation – death. In Western societies, we are often led to fear death because we lack the understanding of this important journey. Many are contracted and phobic about this transition – family circumstances can be awkward, the dying may be unprepared, and the Soul is often overlooked in modern settings as having any significance.

We bring teachings from numerous traditions together to enable you to get closer to an approach to death and dying that is a unique introduction to this important theme, and it is astounding when we see some of the similarities across the traditions.

Lineages we will be looking at

The sessions include teachings that have remained secret in many settings and over numerous centuries. We provide case studies, practical tools, ethical and practitioner information to enable you to feel more equipped to ‘land’ with the concepts and psycho-spiritual aspects of Death

It includes teachings on:

The Serpent codes – Ancient Mystery Schools, Yoga, Pranayama, and death

The Serpent codes – Ancient Mystery Schools, Yoga, Pranayama, and death

Working with elderly families, Dharma and death phobia

Working with elderly families, Dharma and death phobia

Dying Consciously – the practice and the concept

Dying Consciously – the practice and the concept

Celtic Rites of Passage – The elements and the Last Ecstasy

Celtic Rites of Passage – The elements and the Last Ecstasy

Tibetan Buddhist approaches to the 4 convictions of Renunciation, Re-incarnation, Death, and the Bardo

Tibetan Buddhist approaches to the 4 convictions of Renunciation, Re-incarnation, Death, and the Bardo

Helping people ‘pass over’ and shamanic approaches to death – Gentle Death and Rebirth Guide

Helping people ‘pass over’ and shamanic approaches to death – Gentle Death and Rebirth Guide

Celestial bodies and Ancient and Renewed spiritual midwifery portals

Celestial bodies and Ancient and Renewed spiritual midwifery portals

Crossing loved ones over

Crossing loved ones over

Space and Time dynamics and death codes. Quantum Weaving, the Dreamspell calendar and the dance with timelines for golden age pioneers

Space and Time dynamics and death codes. Quantum Weaving, the Dreamspell calendar and the dance with timelines for golden age pioneers

Quantum Witnessing as a tool for entering the Golden Agewith Victoria Padma Khandro

These teachings are geared to help people understand the evolutionary leap to create causes and conditions to bring the Golden Age

THE SERPENT CODES – Ancient Mystery Schools, Yoga, Pranayama and Death
with Victoria Padma Khandro 

In this overview session, Padma Khandro will give an introduction to the ‘serpent codes’ and the skewed approach that many cultures have towards death and dying. Drawing upon insights from Mystery Schools and Ancient traditions, Padma will look at the rites of passage and preparations for death and compare them to the Western views of death processes. Padma Khandro will also touch upon Yogic principles of death preparation and the fractal component of pranayama, with further signposting to how to utilise the breath to prepare for death. In honouring of breath being both the first and the last thing we do we will do some pranayama together as we open the space for the course.

with Petrine McCrohan 

In this podcast session, Petrine and Victoria Padma Khandro speak on Petrine’s mother’s dying and death process and how she transitioned on so many levels with her mother; thresholds and mini deaths and rebirths throughout life; grief and love; how vital these opportunities are and how our death phobic culture denies us this growth and profound time to practice for our own death; how to practice for death and the astrological significator for maturation; age-related cycles and loads more… tune in with Petrine and Victoria Padma Khandro at your leisure.

with Victoria Padma Khandro

How do we die consciously? Drawing upon previous cultures, spiritual traditions, and the Dying Consciously teachings of the Four Winds Society (Peru) we will explore how to have more sovereignty over these transitions. How many people leave their bodies in a place or situation that they weren’t prepared for? How can we assist with this? How do we deal with family members who are keeping their family members alive? How to spot when people are beginning to take the ultimate journey? Some insights and tools will be shared to assist persons who are dying or within the first 3 days of crossing over. We will also be deconstructing some of the accounts of transition realms from The Journey of Souls by Michael Newton. We will look at the concept of Free Will and Sovereignty and how we can begin to aspire for a Mindful transition.

CELTIC RITES: From Form to Formless, The Elements in the Dying Process
with Tara Louise Firetree

Many cultures honour the gift of human life and death through ritual, ceremony and rites of passage. These assist us in marking the sacred as well as the many cycles of death/birth throughout life, marking the transitions through our human and soul evolution. In the Celtic and Neolithic times, death has been honoured as a portal to the otherworld, the last ecstasy of life and yet we are in relationship with life and the otherworld in every moment through our connection with the elements.  There is no separation as the elements are carried within and around us and this is what creates form, we are in constant relationship with them as part of nature ourselves. There is a journey with each of the elements as they leave the body which can be perceived on the physical as well as energetic levels. This can be very helpful for those sitting with the dying, as well as those in the dying process to gain an understanding of these stages which can bring more grace and ease through the process. When we can embrace the natural way and timing of things, we can accept the beginning and ending of each stage, opening up to death as our greatest teacher & the liberation of the last ecstasy.

TIBETAN BUDDHISM APPROACHES to the 4 convictions of Renunciation,
Re-incarnation, Death and the Bardo
with Victoria Padma Khandro

The 4 convictions of Renunciation outline the importance of understanding karma, impermanence, this precious life and the need to escape samsara/cyclic existence. How can we apply these principles to our daily life to bring us to a more Conscious death? We will also look at key concepts outlined in the Tibetan Book of the Dead and the concepts of the Bardo states. Padma Khandro will also discuss other Bardo states and deconstruct practices such as plant medicines, meditation and pranayama, as crucial preparatory methods for leaving one’s body.
She will also speak on the experience of reading the Bardo rites to dying or deceased persons and the great blessings and teachings of such experiences.

with Sandra Nelson

All of these teachings about death are anchored in real life stories and first-hand experiences.

Story telling, guidance and healing: 
– Universal signage and coincidences 
– Signs that occur leading up to death, both short term illness, longer term illness and sudden
 -Dreams of ancestral loved ones visiting including dreams of guides, angelic beings and animals
 -Importance of Death Soul retrieval space holding 
 -Intervention of strangers who assist with passage the of death/messengers 
 -Benefits of poetry, poems and rituals

Signs in the immediate short-term leading to death: 
– Change in appetite/energy/more sleep 
– Changes in sleep patterns – awake at night 
– Change in body temperature 
– Call to organise affairs

Crossing over story 
– How to prepare a human for crossing over, what to look out for 
– Hallucinations are the merging of the soul into the astral spirit plane
– How a person can begin to leave their body in the weeks and months prior to death
– How our loved ones may hang around for a few days and weeks after death (revolving door)

with Sandra Nelson and Padma Khandro

CELESTIAL BODIES and Ancient and Renewed spiritual midwifery portals
with Orla Magill

Orla works closely with the collective energies and Sacred sites within Ireland. In 2012 she led an exclusive team of Shamans and Druids around Ireland to create and initiate the Cygnus Vortices. Merging and weaving ancient sites with new innovative doorways connected to the Cygnus Constellation and multi dimensions. Orla will discuss some of the functions of these Vortices, focusing on the vortex of the north which is connected to the Death Realm and the vortex of letting go.

SPACE AND TIME DYNAMICS AND DEATH CODES.   Quantum Weaving, the Dreamspell calendar & the dance with timelines for Shambhala Warriors
with Victoria Padma Khandro

– Death Codes and Timeline Shift – Practical experiences – Non-dual Astrology and Dancing with Time and Space.
– Dreamspell calendar (looking at the Dreamspell, the picking up of signs while people are leaving); 
– Morphogenetic field (make sure old codes don’t come back – queen’s death: the codes of the planet leaving with her); 
– Working with parts, astrology and Acknowledgement 
– Tantric Witnessing – develop a Language of Consciousness with the dying

Deep Quantum Magic 
How we change the density by helping family members and legacy members to be seen. How can we help our loved ones realise the afflictions? What are you letting go of for the family? What are you carrying that you don’t want to carry any more?

Golden Age Codes – By helping change the density of the planet, kids can come in and access the Golden Age quicker

Format of the Course

This course contains 9 sections, setting a foundation to different aspects of this sacred transition.

Each section has a main presentation by each teacher, which is around 90 min long.

real-time tutorials

Real-time interactive dakini weaving sessions and tutorials, hosted by Padma Khandro

For the real-time sessions, we require a minimum of 6 people to sign up for those. These will only be scheduled in then, so the dates are currently beyond our control. However, we forecast it may be: from December until February.

Online sharing Forum

You will be invited to share insights, experiences and ask questions on our interactive Slack forum.  This also gives you free access to the Dharma Stars channel for one year and you’ll be kept informed there of our exciting projects, initiations, courses and retreats.


The teaching experience gained over the years has shown that most students need to take time to integrate the teachings. For this reason, we are opening registrations early so you have several months to get acquainted with these fundamental teachings and be ready to go deeper once the real-time constellation begins.

*Over the next 9 months we’re training up new team members, please bear with us while we restructure our systems. We are grateful for your understanding.


A MESSAGE FROM SANDRA NELSON, from our 2021 intake


The energy exchange is calculated upon an income between £15k and £23k a year.

We have two extra fees available, please contact us if you fall under the following categories

Reduced program fee: for those with a lower income
£355 with real-time tutorials
£180 for recorded course only

Sustainer: for those with higher income, please consider donating more to help support and make it possible for those in need to receive these teachings at a lower rate.
£444 with real-time tutorials
£255 for recorded course only

We are ok with a payment plan. The normal rate for this is £408. If you need a payment plan, please contact us to set this up at

If you are experiencing hardship then please get in touch and we can look into another arrangement.

Course Co-ordinator

Victoria Sinclair Padma Khandro

Padma Khandro Victoria Sinclair is a Worldwide respected consciousness innovator having facilitated community trainings and events for over 20 years. She is a trauma specialist originally from Belfast, N.Ireland and works bridging realms and modalities in innovation and unique ways for each client or group’s needs.

Padma Khandro is well-known as a culture bridge-maker in her integral work with a broad range of recognised indigenous elders and teachers in S. America, Europe, Asia and Australia.

Her training background includes; Transpersonal Psychology, Epigenetics, Trauma work, Pranayama, Kundalini Yoga, Plant medicines, De-colonisation and Quantum, sound and ancestral practices. She is also a plant communicator and trainer of Sekhem Healing, Serpent Codes, Quantum Consciousness, Fundamental Energetics and Altered States of Consciousness. Her fusion trauma informed approaches bridge shamanism, IFS, CRM, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, Quantum Transfiguration and Ancestral work. She has been working as a practitioner in Energy Work and Mental Healthcare settings for 20 years. Over the last 4 years she has become a practitioner of Kalachakra Highest Yoga Tantra, studying with Rime, non-sectarian Master, Khentrul Rinpoche and the Dzokden organisation.

Victoria’s dedication to healing communities has initiated various ground-breaking programs including the Lotus Avatar Earthkeepers Program, Wounded Healer Holistic Series and the Lotus Consciousness Platform – a global hub for conscious education – as well facilitating ceremonial practice with plant teachers, tribal councils and communities and at many international event gatherings. She has also recently launched a new Mystery School – Dharma Sekhem Temple Arts Rejuvenation School.

Sandra Nelson

Sandra Nelson is a Life Coach with Neuroscience, Usui Reiki Master and Spiritual Intuitive Reader. A Priestess of Manannan Mac Lir Irish Sea God, she is actively a peace creator and keeper, based permanently in Ireland. Sandra facilitates multidimensional spiritual healing through a combination of spiritual map reading,  by thorough investigation and unweaving of deconstruction of thinking before weaving through the Creation of Unique and specific prayer rituals, space holding and prophesy art, storytelling and poetry. Moving naturally as an interpreter between worlds.  Additionally Sandra has completed angelic healing training, basic homeopathic home prescriber course and she has worked effectively with herbs.

Her training background includes multiple healing and peacekeeping projects that involve being of service to work with mother earth land healing (trauma legacy energy janitor), Pilgrim of Goddess Brigid’s Way, Ulster Province Water Bearer at Uisneach Fire Ceremony.  Additionally Sandra performs Sacred Symbolic Wedding Ceremonies, Birth Naming Ceremonies and Death End of Life Celebration Ceremonies.

Sandra’s dedication to peace keeping work and being of service to mother earth means that she has performed sacred rituals and prayers with organic ‘pop up’ groups of similar minded individuals. Additionally Sandra has worked  with sacred sites, water spirit, plant spirit, herbs (homeopathically and organically) and Fire Ceremonies, as well as having facilitated mindfulness and meditation.

Sandra’s spiritual healing practice is evolving to be permanently based within rural Ireland as a Grandmother Peace Keeper.  Location currently undisclosed.

While much of her work is not public and has remained private, Sandra Nelsons can be contacted via

Petrine McCrohan

Petrine grew up in Melbourne and in the high country of Victoria. By the time she was 30, she experienced a breakdown, a psychological collapse, which in her words was a breakthrough, but at the time it certainly didn’t feel like that!  She went on to recover in 10 years of psychodynamic psychotherapy, both group and individual work, and has been dedicated to understanding human psychology for the past 3 decades.

Her fascination drew her toward studying a Masters in Psychoanalysis, and a Diploma in Psychological Astrology. She has trained in Couples Therapy and participated in a yoga practice and other somatic practices for many years and over the last 18 years she has worked in Aboriginal communities in Western Australia and continues to work with families and communities particularly in Traditional Medicines, with Healers and Healing Practices.

Orla Magill

Orla is a Cygnus Vortices facilitator and Shamanic land intuitive currently living in Ireland. Following a life changing spiritual awakening in 2012 she initiated the formation of the Cygnus Vortices, communing with Ireland’s ancestors, deities, sacred sites and an astronomical body of stars.  A dynamic amalgamation of the ancient with the innovative terrestrial and celestial energies that are currently emerging from within this planet and our universe. This is an unparallel opening between the earth and sky, offering humanity and all sentient beings, the chance to step into an expansion and shift of consciousness with accelerated activation of their crystalline light/rainbow bodies. Ultimately, the purpose of the Cygnus Vortices is to collectively assist and forge the new paradigm on earth towards the emanation of unity consciousness.

Tara Louise Firetree

Tara is a Celtic Woman, Alchemist, Ceremonial Facilitator & Mystic. Living in devotion and working with the soul, psyche & soma to guide the return to alignment with source, truth & wholeness. Reclaiming Sovereignty & the Rites of Passage through Birth, Life and Death that assist in our navigation as a human being with our soul’s evolution. Harnessing a deep connection to source, nature, plants, animals, she connects with ancient wisdom through meditation, sound, movement, ritual & poetry, bringing this to the present, living in our everyday modern world.

We look forward to sharing these teachings and modalities with you at this important time!


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