Your own energy supply is a precious reserve.
Energetic hygiene is fast becoming acknowledged as a vital component to any practitioner’s toolkit – for self-preservation and for impeccability.
Multi-level Course
We are offering the opportunity for you to do Level 1 and 2 combined as this is such an important topic right now!
Therefore you may begin the pre-recorded Level 1 now and then when enough people have done level 1, we will do a real-time tutorial and a one-day online retreat to get you to a deeper level of awareness.
Level 3 is a fully accredited practitioner-level course and requires attendance at one of our hubs to complete it.
Suitable for:
Bodyworkers, ‘talking therapists’, energy medicine practitioners, community workers, care workers, persons going through their own awakening process, persons working in hospitality, health care and other occupations which require dealing with large amounts of people and persons interested in holistic, shamanic and native ways of healing (later levels). It is also suitable for practitioners who have some tools but realise they need a deeper, more holistic approach and understanding.
Some signs you may need to upgrade your energetic hygiene:
· Feeling tired/irritable after sessions;
· Your workspace feeling stuffy and heavy;
· Feeling you have somehow ‘taken on’ some of your client’s symptoms – emotionally, energetically, physically;
· Clients not maintaining boundaries that have been set;
· Finding it hard to detach from the content of sessions with particular clients.

In this series of 3 Mini-courses, we take you through the key concepts, theories, and tools to boost your self-care, performance levels, and the well-being of your clients!

Techniques and tools we will explore to enable you to gain a deeper understanding of:
· Transference;
· How energy is transferred in sessions and where it can come from;
· What is ‘subtle energy’ and how does energy travel?
· How the energy bodies work;
· How to keep an energetically clear workspace;
· Utilising ceremonial facilitator skills such as opening and closing space, sharing intentions;
· Creating boundaries in body, mind, and spaces;
· Unattached and legacy burdens;
· Physical health, parasites, and general diet and recommendations to have a clearer practice;
· Visualisation practices for energetic ‘protection’, and for therapeutic spaces;
· Breathwork and sound for workspace, clearing, and sessions;
· Yoga and movement for boosting your magnetic field;
· How to cleanse before and after sessions;
· Varieties of ‘smudging’ medicines and how and when to use them;
· How to be stronger/more ‘protected’ as a practitioners;
· Plant and flower essences that strengthen and protect your energy field;
· How to spot ‘leaky’ energy;
· When to consult with other practitioners and useful contact details for referrals for difficult cases;
· How to utilise earth energies to have better energetic hygiene.
Energetic Hygiene
Level 1
The Basics
Pre-recorded Section of the course (10 hours)
Level 1 – Available now
Level 2 – Tutorials and online retreat will begin when enough people have done level 1
See full details bellow
It is recommended you do Level 1, unless you are already an adept with the content and delivery of themes discussed in Level 1.
The course is designed for you to do in your own time – one to two modules per week is recommended. We will run the Level 2 tutorial and day retreat when we have 6+ registered participants on the Level 1
Levels 1 to 2 are online, with a deepening degree of Student-Teacher interaction and real-time activities and assessments. Level 3 is a residential/ location-based face to face training delivered on successful completion of levels 1 – 2
Course Content
This Course contains 5 sections, giving a holistic overview of the basic fundamentals around energetic transference and the first steps to establishing an energetically hygienic practice.
– Introduction to the concept of Energetic Hygiene;
– Case studies and examples of when energetic hygiene is lacking/required;
– Introduction to the key concepts in this module.
– A deepened investigation into Energetic Hygiene– The archetype of the grandmothers;
– The science between energy transference, subtle energies and practitioner to client interaction.
– How to spot if there has been energetic leakage/drainage;
– Mapping energy hygiene levels in the practitioner and client;
– Mapping the energy transference during the session;
– Utilising the senses to look for signs of energetic transference/interference;
– Assessing if a room needs clearing before/after a session.
– Analysing own personality type;
– Intention setting;
– Opening and closing sessions;
– Healthy boundaries;
– Understanding the importance of the fractal – creating integrity in own body/mind balance;
– Diet;
– Cleansing and purification – both of field and body.
– Visualisation;
– Basic room clearing using ‘smudging’ tools;
– Techniques for clearing rooms where smudging tools are prohibited;
– Summary of course teachings.
Please note that often our teachings open up deep healing journeys for students and this is seen as extra to your participation in class-room environment life! We have a range of affordable and specialist modalities available to support you on your healing, plus readings available if you really wish to see how you can move from beyond being constrained by karma to embodying your Highest Dharma!

Level 1: Online course only
Normal Rate: £111
Reduced program fee: £88 for those with a lower income
Sustainer: £133 for those with higher income, please consider donating more to help support and make possible those in need to receive these teachings at a lower rate.
If you wish to register for level 2 combined, please get in touch at
Level 1 & 2 Combined: Online course, tutorial and Day retreat
Normal Rate: £155 – £222
Level 1 & 2 Combined: Recording of the package above
Normal Rate: £133 – £199
First 3 people who sign up will receive a free 20 minute mini astrology reading with Padma Khandro Victoria or Maaike to get a deeper context on your strengths, weaknesses, karma and dharma using 3-4 astrological systems.
The energy exchange is calculated upon an income between £15k and £23k a year.
BURSARIES: We have 1 work bursary available for £55-£99 every 3 months for the recorded course -please apply in writing. This will be ‘do in your own time’. We also from time to time have work exchange options – donation and some work for the mystery school if you would like to support us in that way.
If you are experiencing hardship then please get in touch and we can look into another arrangement.
Course Co-ordinator
Victoria Sinclair Padma Khandro
Padma Khandro Victoria Sinclair is a Worldwide respected consciousness innovator having facilitated community trainings and events for over 20 years. She is a trauma specialist originally from Belfast, N.Ireland and works bridging realms and modalities in innovation and unique ways for each client or group’s needs.
Padma Khandro is well-known as a culture bridge-maker in her integral work with a broad range of recognised indigenous elders and teachers in S. America, Europe, Asia and Australia.
Her training background includes; Transpersonal Psychology, Epigenetics, Trauma work, Pranayama, Kundalini Yoga, Plant medicines, De-colonisation and Quantum, sound and ancestral practices. She is also a plant communicator and trainer of Sekhem Healing, Serpent Codes, Quantum Consciousness, Fundamental Energetics and Altered States of Consciousness. Her fusion trauma informed approaches bridge shamanism, IFS, CRM, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, Quantum Transfiguration and Ancestral work. She has been working as a practitioner in Energy Work and Mental Healthcare settings for 20 years. Over the last 4 years she has become a practitioner of Kalachakra Highest Yoga Tantra, studying with Rime, non-sectarian Master, Khentrul Rinpoche and the Dzokden organisation.
Victoria’s dedication to healing communities has initiated various ground-breaking programs including the Lotus Avatar Earthkeepers Program, Wounded Healer Holistic Series and the Lotus Consciousness Platform – a global hub for conscious education – as well facilitating ceremonial practice with plant teachers, tribal councils and communities and at many international event gatherings. She has also recently launched a new Mystery School – Dharma Sekhem Temple Arts Rejuvenation School.