Keys to the Golden Age | Multi-level course
Our Dakini Weaving training is a potent gateway for budding change makers, yogis and bodhisattvas who wish to gain holistic knowledge of the path to the Higher Timeline and the Golden Age.
Samsara is the realm where we continually are subject to trauma looping, co-dependency and over the top materialism. In order to truly be free, we need to connect with realms and beings which have already learned the tools and techniques to release from this dense realm that is full of war, pornography, narcissism, rampant ego afflictions etc.
The Shambhala Dharma Kings and inhabitants of that realm transmitted the keys and codes to escape samsara to adepts and Mahasiddhas in India and Tibet, and we now ARE fortunate enough to have teachers from this unbroken lineage who are sharing the transmissions and practices with us.
It is seen that if enough of us cultivate and remember the sacred ancient tantric practices and life hacks that we can create a collective shift to a less dense plane – and for this to commence within the next 10 years! Interestingly this aligns greatly with the concepts of the Yugas, the Aquarian Age and the ‘new earth timeline’.
Do you need the proper lineage support to overcoming the looping and afflictions that prevent you from fully entering into your Highest Dharma?
Our Dakini Weaving training is a potent gateway for budding changemakers, yogis and bodhisattvas who wish to gain a holistic knowledge of the path to the higher timeline and to help to prepare for this. It fuses Victoria Padma Khandro’s 30 plus years of frontline work and teaching from all walks of life straight through to the lineage that has sustained the Kalachakra Tantra – the keys and codes for the New Earth pioneers.
This means that the course is a bridge, designed for changemakers, practitioners and awakening ones in a way that opens you up to High Ancient Tantric teachings without the ‘religious’ setting, and utilising stepping stones in the form of themes and worlds that you may already have some understanding in. With application of the Shambhala Warrior principles you will receive extra teachings that help you to create a radical departure from the looping that New Age practices and neo-tantra and neo-shamanism often leave you in. Essentially, many people are on the path to Awakening but lack proper foundations and actually just stay in the realm of the material and ego without having fully realised their highest potential.
Are you ready to embark on a quest to bring about the Golden Age?
Level 1 | Becoming an anchor for change
Available as recorded course | real time constellation to begin in January 2025
See full details bellow
In the first level of this life-changing course we look at ancient knowledge systems and the Shambhala prophecy. From a radical perspective we look at some of the areas of our current existence that create our world-view, but by offering a nano-shift we can actually start to create the conditions to be an Active Dreamer to help bring about a Golden Age.
Some of the themes of these transmissions are already popular, however there are unique insights provided by the Dakini art form of weaving across the topics rather than looking at things from a disconnected perspective. This means that even students seasoned in some of these topics or themes may find optimism and a new refreshed vantage point to further activate them in their planetary service.
Level 1 fuses indigenous science, shamanism, Tibetan Buddhism, consciousness studies, geomancy, astrology, earth-keeping, transpersonal psychology, Mystery School teachings and prophecies that have never been brought together before
Outcomes & Skills:
- Learn to understand and access transmission state consciousness;
- Become a pattern thinker;
- Move beyond feeling disconnected and isolated;
- Optimise this incarnation by understanding the exciting time we are in and to prepare for the Golden Age;
- Become a vessel for authenticity through examining Natural Law, Dharma & Indigenous Science
- Create Foundations to become a Shambhala Warrior;
- Understanding truth beyond competing world views and social media distortions;
- Rewire excessive patriarchal conditioning into becoming balanced in yin/yang;
- Become more at peace;
- Create a deeper understanding of the fundamental principles that govern our mundane reality;
- Create a stepping stones to eloquently bring in new paradigms;
- Begin to decolonise ways of seeing;
- Learn respect for numerous cosmologies;
- Move beyond skewed and limited spiritual materialism;
- Build a foundation to a more compassionate way of being and world-view;
- Open yourself to Higher Value systems, true abundance and well-being;
- Foster curiosity and higher alignment to your true Dharma;
- Become less embroiled and dominated by samsara
- Have a deeper applied gnostic understanding of the human as a spiritual being, beyond material misalignment.
It includes teachings on:
Age of Degeneration to Golden Age
Age of Degeneration to Golden Age
Creation Stories and ‘The Grandmothers’
Creation Stories and ‘The Grandmothers’
The Serpent Codes
The Serpent Codes
Star Lore
Star Lore
Natural Law, Indigenous Science, Karma and Dharma
Natural Law, Indigenous Science, Karma and Dharma
Shamanism and Earth Work
Shamanism and Earth Work
Special bonus session ‘Finding your own specialisms’ – Tools to ‘know thyself’ – assisted by Victoria Padma Khandro and other experienced members of the Dharma Stars team

age of degeneration to the golden age
Many of us have incarnated with a feeling that we are entering into a period of advancements, increased spirituality and hopefully, more equality. These are certainly some basic notions that we could equate with a Golden Age, but we will investigate more thoroughly in this transmission some different kinds of Golden Age and also some of the common properties that could denote such an epoch.
In this oral transmission, Padma Khandro weaves in concepts that are important at this time to help remember why we are here and the path we are on. Reminding ourselves why we are here and by having something to point our vision towards a lot starts to unfold in our life, the right people show up and the mission grows.
We look at the “Age of Degeneration”, Samsara, the ego, dualism and the wiring of the microcosmic body of degeneration. We’ll further investigate the tenants of the Golden Age and what the Shambhala Prophecy is.
This transmission looks at hidden concepts that may in this “degenerate” time give you some structure and help you to step forth in your Higher Path.
Do you believe you came into this body to help bring about a positive change for all beings?
In this section we will look at:
- The ‘Age of Degeneration’
- Samsara
- The ego
- The wiring of the microcosmic body of degeneration
- The saturation of stimuli
- Dumbing down
- Dualism
- The tenets of the Golden Age
- The Shambhala Prophecy
- What is a Shambhala Warrior?
- Related prophecies – New Earth timeline, Age of Aquarius
- Brief overview of hallmarks of the Age of Degeneration and afflictions to overcome

One of the premises Padma Khandro brings forth in this transmission is the concept of transmission consciousness and yin receptivity as an antidote to outmoded patriarchal constraints.
Connecting to the ‘Grandmothers’ field, that is a primordial energy force, is a way of helping those who are struggling because of our karma around these patriarchal institutions. Finding something that is represented in more ancient lore, systems which are in some way deinstitutionalized and residing in nature.
Many of us are fascinated with the deeper mystery as to how many civilisations and evolutions of thought and culture arose. Often the preserved myths of ancient societies in Creation Stories are the only tenuous connection we have to our roots, and there is a collective quest to overcome this shared amnesia.
For millennia, humans have been making sense of their landscape, behaviour and metaphysical world. Many traditional cultures utilise ‘Creation Stories’—narratives, preserved normally through the oral tradition/art/sacred sites ad through depiction of totems and archetypes to help to explain matters pertinent to the existence of that community.
Some questions that perpetuate states of existential malaise and anxiety are:
What are my roots?
Why don’t I remember?
Why is this hidden?
Padma Khandro brings a different vantage point of looking at this collective quest we’re in to move beyond duality.
Understanding the journey to oneness and higher states of consciousness helps us to move beyond separation. Some of these codes and keys reside in the fields like the ‘Grandmothers’ mindstream.
As our journey deepens with the Dakini Weaving we may lose attachments to archetypes altogether, such as the ‘Grandmothers’, but for now understanding this personified, consciousness energetic is a helpful gateway to expanding our consciousness. And this is the gold that sits in many of these ancient lores and cosmovisions.
We’ll be looking at these as cosmic mechanisms to help us enter into a Golden Age.
In this section we will look at:
- Transmission consciousness and yin receptivity as antidote to outmoded patriarchal constraints
- The archetype of the grandmothers
- Non-dual awareness
- Collective amnesia and the codes from the past in our sacred sites and landscapes

A deep dive into liberated consciousness and embodiment
Serpents are a revered and feared totem and creature throughout most cosmologies. Medicine wheels, creation stories, and many mystery schools work with serpents as a key archetypal energy.
This enigmatic creature is one of the most intrinsically comprehensive examples of fractal wisdom that we may encounter and it holds many keys that help to open our deeper multidimensional awareness. Serpent symbology is used to explain the deepest anatomical record of our blueprint – our DNA, right up to the celestial bodies.
We are guided by these metaphysical energies that can sit in the earth lines but also in the celestial bodies, and are also intrinsically within us. This is where we can open up to the hidden mysteries and deeper genetic truth and spirituality we may hold.
Deeper essences of the serpent as an archetype serve as a journey into awakening from the lower, samsaric energetics of what we see as corrupted serpent codes that perpetuate duality, into awakening and emancipation.
In this section we will look at:
- What are the Serpent Codes?
- The serpent in Mystery School traditions
- Fractal Cosmology
- Moving beyond the lower chakra karmas of corrupted serpent codes
- Epigenetics and DNA
- Celestial Bodies and Serpent Codes
- The New Priestesshood – The Venus Codes and forthcoming timelines
- Concepts around sacred sexuality, ego taming, working through the material realm and death processes
- Why are the serpent codes important at this time? The 3D – 5D shift & entering the Golden Age

Whether we like it or not, there are some fundamental principles that govern our sense of reality.
At this time people are profoundly disconnected from their environment and other beings, and unaware of the existence of natural laws that promote greater understanding of the worlds around us and our place in them. Disharmony often stems from people disrespecting the role/territory/sentiments of other people.
In this transmission we’ll be weaving concepts of Indigenous Science, Karma and Dharma. We draw upon Padma Khandro’s extensive years travelling around the globe and working with different cultures in the field, the buddha-dharma, and studies in anthropology. If we wish to create the conditions for a Golden Age to occur, we can benefit from learning about Natural Law, Indigenous Science, Karma and Dharma.
To come into right alignment, we need to honour the wisdom and correlation between many cosmologies in terms of value systems and how these are also repeated in things like Eastern mysticism, Buddhist dharma or Hindu cosmologies.
There are subtleties that we can tap into regarding ways of seeing and weaving with information that are presented in Indigenous Knowledge Systems. There is an honouring of the non-material that is presented in many forms of animism and the art of pattern-thinking and this can create a launchpad to approach consciousness and samsara in a way that can elevate us to a reality shift.
In this section we will look at:
- From Karma to Dharma – the toolkit for the evolving human – beyond materialism and samsara to free will and aligning with our Highest Dharma for Golden Age activation
- Indigenous Science & Knowledge Systems – the interaction with landscape, mythic realms and the human
- Connectivity and kinship codes
- Natural Law – governing markers that structure the mundane reality – from esoteric wisdom to quantum science.

It is evident from studies of Ancient Culture that our ancestors and the keepers of the Mysteries were fascinated by and worked closely with astronomy and astrology to predict events. They also used these to create markers at sacred sites, which aligned with the cycles of various celestial bodies. Celestial bodies refer to the Sun, Moon, planets, stars, asteroids and so forth, and their interaction with each other, the earth and star lore looks at their cycles.
Not only are the celestial bodies seen to hold great significance for the location of many sacred sites and popular tribal mythologies across the globe, but the study of the stars, planets and moon cycles have held community and personal importance since Ancient times.
This transmission aims to open you deeper to the concept of sacred fractals – as above and so below.
Padma Khandro discusses the hermetic law of similarities and this concept of how no matter what realm we’re in we can read information that may relate to other realms.
These teachings are here to help us become more holistically engaged with our environment and understand how to thrive between various realms. We can begin to actively dance via intercommunication with different species and realms. This can assist us both to live our life in samsara better and in furthermore to learn how to move away from deeper afflictions that get us stuck in samsara.
When we start to realise the dance of life and the dance of the cosmos, we can start to enrich our way of seeing and weaving.
In this section we will look at:
- Mystery School Traditions and Star Lore
- As Above so Below concepts
- The significance of the Pleiades through the ages and to our spiritual development
- Cygnus Vortex and significances
- Star Lore and Indigenous Science
- Branching into Astrology.

shamanism and earth work
Shamanism involves working with ‘non-ordinary’ states of consciousness and accessing information from the unconscious, plant, animal, and many other realms. Shamanic work often involves divination, which involves reading signs in the mundane realm in a less analytic way. It utilises the ‘mythic’ realm and honours pattern thinking, as well as the interconnectedness of all things. Shamanism holds these as key principles.
The mythic realm involves a quest with a symbolic landscape and weaving with signs and symbols to gain instruction and guidance, normally for the benefit and well-being of others or the collective. This weaving with symbols and meaning can also be seen to open up to the more subtle and less definable realms of the Dakini.
Societies all around the world have documented the existence of shamanism or similar ways of working, since ancient times.
Whilst the realms explored through shamanism are often symbolic and therefore are not Absolute Truth, the ability to view the world through a different lens and access different states of consciousness, lessens the grip that conditioned reality has upon us.
We have templates in lineages and modalities that are becoming more popular through what could be described as a ‘neo-shamanic’ resurgence. We could look at this as an optimistic sign, that on a collective level people are becoming attracted to working with these subtle realms, that there is something within us collectively driving us to try to unravel from this domination of just being in the mundane realm. Some tenets of shamanism can enable us, if we weave sufficiently with core concepts of Dharma and Natural Law, to help create conditions for a Golden Age.
We look at the mechanisms around where the dharma meets indigenous science that can create vital entry points for us to decondition from being so embroiled in samsaric ways of seeing, and that can helps us to open to the sort of consciousness and more receptive way of being that is required in order to become a dharma being and bodhisattva.
In this section we will look at:
- Cross cultural insights around earthkeeping and different tribal groups who maintain these practices
- Microcosmic and macrocosmic impeccability and how our actions in any realm may ripple across the whole. The notion of our multidimensional ‘Russian Doll’ is referred to.
- Land whispering, how to be a cosmic interlocutor, the role of geomancy in earth work and how we can work meaningfully through the realms.
- Dakini Weaver and Shambhala Warrior consciousness hacks, and the importance plus the accessing of termas and insights to multidimensional harmonisation codes.
Format of the Course
This course contains 7 sections, setting a foundation to different aspects of Dakini Weaving.
Each section has a main presentation by Padma Khandro, which is around 90 minutes long.
Real time tutorials
Real-time interactive dakini weaving sessions and tutorials, hosted by Padma Khandro
For the real-time sessions, we require a minimum of 6 people to sign up for those. These will only be scheduled in then, so the dates are currently beyond our control. However, we forecast it may be: from March until May 2025.
If not enough people sign up within 6 months we’ll offer you a correspondent reduction of the live-tutorials price on a session, reading or course of your choice.
*Over the next 9 months we’re training up new team members, please bear with us while we restructure our systems.
We are grateful for your understanding.
Please note that often our teachings open up deep healing journeys for students and this is seen as extra to your participation in class-room environment life! We have a range of affordable and specialist modalities available to support you on your healing journey, plus readings available if you really wish to see how you can move from beyond being constrained by karma to embodying your Highest Dharma!
These teachings are geared to help people understand the evolutionary leap to create causes and conditions to bring the Golden Age
The teaching experience gained over the years has shown that most students need to take time to integrate the teachings. For this reason, we are opening registrations early so you have several months to get acquainted with these fundamental teachings and be ready to go deeper once the real-time constellation begins.

Recorded Course Only
- 7 modules
- 10h of teaching material
Full training
- All included in recorded course
- Real time tutorials
- Online sharing group
- Access to Dharma STARS channel for 1 year
The energy exchange is calculated upon an income between £15k and £23k a year.
We have two extra fees available, please contact us if you fall under the following categories:
Reduced program fee: for those with a lower income
£355 with real-time tutorials
£180 for recorded course only
Sustainer: for those with higher income, please consider donating more to help support and make it possible for those in need to receive these teachings at a lower rate.
£444 with real-time tutorials
£255 for recorded course only
We are ok with a payment plan. The normal energy exchange for that is £408 in total. The rate differs from when you pay in full. If you need a payment plan, please contact us to set this up at dharmastars.org@gmail.com
BURSARIES NOW FULL: We have 1 work bursary available for £133 and 12 hours of assistance with Dharma Stars activities. You need to be proficient in admin and social media to apply. You need to pay forward £88 to be considered. Then the rest of the payment will be due on assessment of ability to deliver on the agreement.
If you are experiencing hardship then please get in touch and we can look into another arrangement.
If you are not sure if this course is for you, we encourage you to purchase a single module of the training to see if you resonate with our teachings. The single module fee will then be deducted from the full course price. For this, please contact us directly.

Dakini Weaving is a refreshing intersection point of worlds, realms and possibilities. The title draws upon sacred reverence towards the Dakini or Skydancer, & the timeless function of literal and metaphysical weaving. In a world of separation, delusion & ecological instability, Padma Khandro calls forth principles from Kalachakra Tantra, Indigenous Knowledge Systems & Natural & Cosmic Law to bring a message of hope to activate & remind New Earth pioneers that we have many keys to enter into a Golden Age within this lifetime!
Dakini Weaving Training
Dakini Weaving – Keys to the Golden Age book has also been made into fascinating transmissions which are a more experiential way to tap into the consciousness field that we discuss in the book. The oral transmissions are a powerful multidimensional and quantum tool to activate your energy body to the higher vibration of these teachings.
Our Dakini Weaving training is a potent gateway for budding changemakers, yogis and bodhisattvas who wish to gain a holistic knowledge of the path to the Higher timeline and to help to prepare for the Golden Age.
This training speaks from the Kalachakra Golden Age perspective, aiming to bring a radical perspective to all subjects covered in this course.
Becoming an Anchor for Change
Level 1
Recorded course to do in your own time.
Real time constellation begins Jan 2025
Holistic Space-holding
Real time constellation begins May 2025
Golden Age Changemakers as Quantum Pioneers and Sacred Activists
Coming in 2025
Level 2 | Holistic Space-Holding
Integrity and Stability as a Golden Age Pioneer | Incorporating Contemporary Tools to restore natural order
Beginning May 2025

Dakini Weaving Level 2 assists you to be a holistic Practitioner for Community Well-Being
It presents a deeper practitioner’s journey, helping us to understand how to apply understandings from trauma-informed approaches, permaculture, sacred transitions, plant medicine work, non-duality and subtle energy work to weave these practical systems and modalities into Shambhala Warrior activity. How do we dance with our understanding of what it means to reside in Shambhala, and move beyond being a wounded individual/community to a competent space-holder in our society?
· De-colonisation;
· Trauma theory and applications;
· The Language of Consciousness;
· The role of plant medicines;
· Permaculture and Bio-mimicry;
· Death, Dying and Transitions;
· Beyond the ego – Collective aspirations beyond duality, the ‘New Age’, neo-shamanism, Tantra and psychotherapy.
Level 3 | Golden Age Changemakers as Quantum Pioneers and Sacred Activists
Helping to create a Legacy for a Golden Age | Unveiled at a pivotal astrological point for our collective evolution as the ‘New Priestesshood’ and Venusian gateway to the Golden Age
Coming 2025

· The Golden Age/Aquarian Age/New Earth timeline – becoming a Shambhala warrior and Kalachakra Tantra – the Tantra of World Peace – ‘the wheel of time’;
· Ancestral work, ‘zero-pointing’ and non-dual astrology;
· Genetic Liberation – Epigenetic, cutting edge consciousness and quantum modalities;
· Working with the future pioneers – Gifted children, gifts of neurodivergence & creation of a multigenerational web of visionaries and weavers;
· New societies and conscious business frameworks. Building samsara-proof ethical communities;
· Relationships, Dharma and Sacred Sexuality in a New Earth Timelines;
· Reality shift – moving beyond conceptual frameworks – the full multidimensionality of the paradigm Shift – Tantric applications.
Course Co-ordinator
Victoria Sinclair Padma Khandro
Padma Khandro Victoria Sinclair is a Worldwide respected consciousness innovator having facilitated community trainings and events for over 20 years. She is a trauma specialist originally from Belfast, N.Ireland and works bridging realms and modalities in innovation and unique ways for each client or group’s needs.
Padma Khandro is well-known as a culture bridge-maker in her integral work with a broad range of recognised indigenous elders and teachers in S. America, Europe, Asia and Australia.
Her training background includes; Transpersonal Psychology, Epigenetics, Trauma work, Pranayama, Kundalini Yoga, Plant medicines, De-colonisation and Quantum, sound and ancestral practices. She is also a plant communicator and trainer of Sekhem Healing, Serpent Codes, Quantum Consciousness, Fundamental Energetics and Altered States of Consciousness. Her fusion trauma informed approaches bridge shamanism, IFS, CRM, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, Quantum Transfiguration and Ancestral work. She has been working as a practitioner in Energy Work and Mental Healthcare settings for 20 years. Over the last 4 years she has become a practitioner of Kalachakra Highest Yoga Tantra, studying with Rime, non-sectarian Master, Khentrul Rinpoche and the Dzokden organisation.
Victoria’s dedication to healing communities has initiated various ground-breaking programs including the Lotus Avatar Earthkeepers Program, Wounded Healer Holistic Series and the Lotus Consciousness Platform – a global hub for conscious education – as well facilitating ceremonial practice with plant teachers, tribal councils and communities and at many international event gatherings. She has also recently launched a new Mystery School – Dharma Sekhem Temple Arts Rejuvenation School.